The day Harry and I had agreed to be friends, and headed out to Ed Sheerans party together. 

I mean it when I saw this, that right now I feel like all those emotions from that day had for some reason began to bubble up inside me all over again. 

From the nerves to the bitterness I had towards Harry at the time, had all some how managed to mix together inside me again. 

Why? I had no idea. 

In the bath I quickly washed up and absorbed the heat from the water. On cold winter days like these, I would make any excuse to stay cuddled up in a blanket or any where warm place for the whole day. 

I was not a cold weather person. 

However, I gathered up the strength to step back out of my steamy bath and wrap my self in a towel. 

After I was dry I began to apply my make up. I winced as my finger gently brushed over the bruise under my cheek, causing me to look closer in the miror.

It was still there.

The same bruise Darcy had left me from almost 3 months ago. It was still there and I had a dreadful feeling it would always be.

It was my constant reminder to always be aware of the people I'm around. You think you know somebody and they stab you in the back.

Its tragic but sadly its very true.

When I reached out for my shirt, I glanced over at my clock and saw it was now 12:10. Now being under the pressure of arriving late, which was always a big no-no for me, I began to work alot quicker. 

I threw on my converse and sweater, reaching out to my neck to make sure my necklace was still properly on.

When I noticed it was, I darted out the door and towards my car. And as I drove closer to my destination, my bath tub was beginning to look more and more appealing than what I was getting myself into. 


As I parked my car and stepped out into the cold windy air, my phone began to vibrate. Looking down, I noticed a new message.

I opened it thinking it was Harry, but it wasnt.

"Still keeping your word I presume and not telling anyone about our messages? I can still make your life misserable no matter how many friends you think you have." 

I glarred down at my screen and hit the delete button with out hesitation. 

"Screw you." I spat, watching as all the messages began to dissappear one by one from my phone. 

Once they were gone, I paced nervously to the caffe. He probably wasnt even going to show up. Why would he? After the horrible way I talked to him the last time I saw him? He must think I was the worst person on the planet. 

I sighed, slumping down my shoulders as I reached the front door.

Taking in a deep breathe, I walked inside, looking up as a little bell rung above my head. 

As my senses became over whelmed with the smells of coffee beans and pastries, my direction immediatly glanced over all the people at the tables. My eyes whisped past the ones who werent Harry and as soon as I peered over at the last table, I realised he was no where in site. 

My smile had ceased into a frown in a matter of seconds, realising this was pointless after all. 

I turned around and clumsily bumped into someone walking inside. 

"Sorry." I mumbled out, attempting to pass him once more with out bumping into his strong shoulder. 

His quiet response forged me ahead, until I was pulled back as a warm palm was pressed on my arm. I spun around quickly and felt as though my heart had skipped a beat. 

It Was Accidentally on Purpose! ║ Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now