Chapter 13

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Rachel's POV:
We finally reach the old and smelly fishing boat. I follow Veronica to the captain's room of the ship. She immediately heads to the corner where a radio and headset is located. She puts the head set on and calls the Captain. She looks desperate to reach the captain.
"Hello. Captain Jim? This is Veronica Sulfair. I believe I have an important person to speak to you." Says Veronica as she hands me the headset.
"Hello?" Asks the captain.
"Hi. I was a passenger on your cruise ship. I fell off." I say questioning why I'm so scared.
"Um dear, could you tell me your name?" Asks the captain.
"Rachel." I say.
"Oh my god! How can this be!! We have been searching the entire ocean for you!! Your friends, Kathleen and Ally, Right?" The captain says excitedly.
"Yeah. That's them." I say.
"They have been checking in with me everyday for a while now! I have never stopped looking." The captain informs me.
" will I get back?" I question.
"You could meet us in South America next week. We will be docking for one full day. Then heading back to the U.S. But I don't think I can stay any longer than one day. So you'll have to make it in time." The captain warns.
"Can I speak to my friends?" I ask politely.
"Absolutely. I will call them. Hold on."
I hear the captain yelling at someone. I wait for a few minutes hoping I will be able to talk to them.
"Uh....hello?" A familiar voice asks out of breath. Kathleen.
"OH MY GOSH KATHLEEN!!!!" I scream into the headset.
"Wait. Rachel?!?!!! Is that really you?!"
"Yes it's me. I'm not dead! I'm alive and well." I say proudly.
"Well you sure don't sound dead to me!" she laughs.
"So hows everything? On the cruise at least?" I ask.
"We have been trying to distract ourselves from the fact that you are gone. It's been tough. Especially on Todd and me. But I feel better now that I know you're safe." I can hear Kathleen sniffling.
The radio connection starts breaking up.
"Kathleen??? Kathleen!" I say into the headset. Dead silence.
I put the headset down on the table and start to cry.
"Don't worry Rachel. We will get you to South America by the time they get there. In fact we will leave tomorrow morning." Veronica says reassuringly.
"Crew! We are going on another trip." Veronica shouts to everyone on board.
Hey guys!! It's Rachel. Sorry this chapter is super duper short. I hope you keep reading and enjoying this book! We are going to take a week long break from writing so we can think of more ideas and stuff. I am going to summer camp next week. But we will be back just in time for August. Peace out!!

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