Chapter 3

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Kathleen's POV:

"That was so relaxing." I stretch as we leave the spa. "Tell me about it, I haven't been that relaxed in ages. Where'd Ally go?" Rachel asks. "She said something about going on a date with Jay." We eventually run into CJ, Todd, and Coby who are all sweaty. "Well, how was basketball?" I ask. "It was me and Todd against Coby and Jay. And we won by 20 points." CJ says proudly. "Well that doesn't seem fair since you two are the most athletic." Rachel crosses her arms. "It also could be because Coby wasn't really doing much." Todd rolls his eyes. "I was too! I was cheering Jay on." Coby says pouting. "Well whatever. Let's just get dinner before it gets too dark." I start, "But first, you guys need to take showers and change because we're going to a really fancy restaurant."
"We'll meet you back here in 30 minutes." Todd says as they all walk off.

Rachel and I get to our room and start changing. "How does this look?" Rachel asks me spinning in her dress. It's about knee length and has spaghetti straps, it's navy blue colored with some sparkles on it. "You look amazing Rachel."
"I could say the same for you." She looks at my dress. It's also knee length and has spaghetti straps, but is light green with small faded white dots. "Thanks." I smile while putting my long hair up in a messy bun. Rachel puts her hair in a French braid and once she's done we leave to meet the boys.

"Wow you look nice." CJ says giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I rarely see you in a tux." I reply smiling. "You look gorgeous Rachel." Todd gives Rachel a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you handsome." We all walk to the restaurant and check in. Once we're seated the waiter asks for drinks. "I'll have a Coke." CJ says. "I'll have one too." Todd copies. "And then two strawberry lemonades." I order for Rachel. The waiter leaves us to look at our menus. "Ooh the cheesy lasagna looks good." Rachel says and shows Todd. "Doesn't it look good?" Todd nods. "Wait, where's Coby?" I ask looking around. "Oh yea, now that you mention it, he hasn't been here has he?" Rachel backs me up. "Wow is he that invisible?" CJ laughs. "He said he wasn't comfortable in a tux and he also wasn't used to fancy restaurants." Todd says. "That makes sense." Rachel says and I nod.

The waiter comes to take our orders and then leaves taking the menus with him. "Well today has been a fun day." Todd yawns. "Tired already Todd? What happened to staying up playing video games?" CJ smirks. "It's too late for that tonight."
"It's only 8!" I laugh and eventually our food comes. "This is so good! Here try some." I hold up my fork to CJ and he takes a bite. "Wow it really is good." He looks surprised. "What did you think I was lying!?"
"Whatever you say." CJ smirks.
"Wow look at the lovebirds sharing their food." Rachel laughs. "We aren't lovebirds!" I yell at her and she laughs more. "Hey you wanna taste my food Todd? We can take after the lovebirds." Rachel says as she gives Todd some of her food. I sigh and go back to eating. We soon finish our food and pay the bill. "Where to now?" Rachel asks. "Well we were thinking about going to the club upstairs and dancing....." Todd says looking at CJ. "Omg a club!? Yessss!!" I say and grab CJ's hand dragging him upstairs to the club. "Hurry up you slowpokes!" I yell back to Rachel and Todd.

We make it to the club and see that there are a ton of people dancing, talking, and drinking. "I haven't been to a club with so many people before!!" I shout. Rachel drags us to the dance floor and we all start dancing. After about 20 minutes we were about to head back but then a slow song started playing. "May I have this dance?" CJ asks me smirking and Todd asks the same to Rachel. "Why of course you can." I say smiling and taking his hand. "This has just been amazing. I love you CJ." I say resting my head on his chest. "I love you too Kathleen." He says kissing the top of my head. Once the song is over we head back. "See you tomorrow beautiful." CJ says kissing me on the lips. "And I'll see you tomorrow." Todd says to Rachel embracing her and giving her a kiss. We wave to each other and head back into our rooms.

"You guys are finally back!!" Ally shouts. "I was in here all by myself!"
"How was your date Ally?" I ask taking my hair out. "It. Was. AWESOME!!" Ally screams. "Jay is so cute! He took me upstairs and we had our own little dinner up there looking at the sunset over the water. And then we slow danced together. And then we went to get ice cream. And he finally took me back here!"
"Sounds romantic enough." Rachel says. We change and get into our beds and let sleep take over.

The next morning we wake up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. "Hey are you guys up yet?!!" Someone yells. "Ugh it's too early." I say rolling out of bed and opening the door. "Nice hair." CJ laughs and fixes it for me. "Thanks, I just woke up. Now what do you guys want so early?" I groan. "Oh c'mon be more excited were going to the arcade!" CJ smiles. "The arcade!? I love the arcade! I'm going to beat all of you." I say excitedly. "Told you she'd be excited as soon as I told her where we were going." CJ smirks at Todd. "Well she is your girlfriend not mine." He replied rolling his eyes. "Give us 10 minutes." I say closing the door.

"Omg guys! Guys! We're going to the arcade!!!" I shout shaking Rachel and Ally. "I don't wanna get up." Rachel covers herself with a blanket. I sigh, "Fine if you really want to be that way." I roll her off the bed and she lands on the floor. "Ow!" She yells at me. "Oh come on it didn't hurt that much." I laugh. Rachel scowls and gets off the floor. "Fine. Fine. I'll get up." Ally's turn! "Ally c'mon get up! Get up!" I shake her awake. "What?" She says sleepily. "We're going to the arcade!" I tell her. "REALLY?!" She bolts out of bed. "YAY! THE ARCADE."
"See? If you just got out of bed that easily I wouldn't of pushed you on the floor." I smirk at Rachel and she rolls her eyes.

We get dressed and walk out to where the boys are waiting. "Took them long enough." Coby mutters. "What was that Coby?" Rachel asks staring daggers at him. "N-nothing."
"That's what I thought."
"Well looks like someone didn't get her beauty sleep." Todd says hugging her. "Kathleen was being a bully and pushed me out of bed." Rachel whines. "Now Kathleen what did I tell you about pushing people out of beds?" CJ stares at me jokingly. "Oh, and your hair looks better."
"Whatever." I say. "COME ON GUYS HURRY UP!" Ally yells. We just noticed that she's already half way across the deck with Jay. We all run after them and get to the arcade.

"Ooh we should do that one first!" I pull CJ to a 2-player car racing game. "Racing huh? I'm definitely going to beat you." CJ smirks. "Uh-huh sure you are." Todd eventually drags Rachel to a gun shooting game that's next to a dancing game that Ally and Jay are doing. "We should do that one next." Rachel points to the dancing game. "I don't really do dancing...." Todd starts. "I don't really do guns. So we're even." On the other side of the arcade Coby is playing a basketball game with another guy. "YESSSSS!!!!" I shout. "I BEAT YOU!! HA! TAKE THAT!"
"Yea. Yea. Whatever. It's only one game." CJ rolls his eyes. "Oh wow Rachel's really beating Todd at that dancing game." I laugh. "Wait. Todd? Dancing? I've gotta see this." We make our way over to where Rachel and Todd are. "Yes! I won!" Rachel cheers. "Well of course you won. You're a great dancer." Todd kisses her cheek. "OOOH WE SHOULD PLAY THAT ONE JAY!! COME ON! COME ON!" We hear Ally shout at Jay. "Yea. Yea. Ok we'll play this one next." Jay laughs. After we play a couple more games we leave the arcade. "So what's next?" I stretch asking everyone. "What about swimming?" Rachel replies and we all nod.

Hey everyone it's Kathleen! I hope you like my chapter! And sorry if it's a bit long. Thank you for reading our story and please keep reading! :)

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