Chapter Five

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Mabel looked up from standing in the corner of the gift shop to see Dipper and Caesar walking through the front door. She stared at them with wide eyes before quickly running over to them.

"Dipper! I was just about to go out looking for you!" Mabel exclaimed. "What happened?!"

"I found Caesar in the woods and he's hurt... I'll tell you more later, but do you know where the First Aid Kit is?" Dipper quickly replied.

Mabel nodded and went behind the counter, pulling out a small red and white case. Dipper made Caesar sit down on the barrel next to the counter as he went to open the First Aid Kit, looking for something to clean the bite with first.

Mabel stared at Caesar's wound before commenting, "That looks like that really hurts..."

Caesar met eyes with Mabel, giving her a small smile and shrugged, "I have a pretty high pain tolerance."

"Can't say that about Dipper," Mabel chuckled, making Caesar laugh as well.

Dipper rolled his eyes as he walked over to start cleaning away the blood from Caesar's arm. The brunette was surprised that Caesar barely reacted at all. He knew it was supposed to sting pretty badly, but it probably had something to do with his pain tolerance.

Caesar and Mabel then looked over to where the Employee's Only Door opened to reveal Stan and Ford. They both walked into the gift shop and stared at Caesar who was being taking care of by Dipper.

"What is going on?" Stan questioned, giving the teens a suspicious glare.

"Oh, hey, Grunkle Stan!" Dipper greeted, glancing up at him for a moment before returning his attention to the blonde. "This is Caesar. I met him at the library a couple of days ago."

"Yeah, I've seen him around town a couple of times," Stan said. "Nice to see you're finally making friends, Caesar."

The wounded blonde just let out a light chuckle under his breath.

"Caesar, these are my Great Uncles, Stanley and Stanford. We just call them Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford, though," Mabel exclaimed.

"It's nice to meet you," Caesar politely greeted, giving them a small nod of acknowledgement.

"Nice to meet you too, kid," Stan quickly replied before heading for the door that led outside. "If you don't mind, tourists should be showing up any moment."

Caesar watched as Stan left and then turned his attention to Ford who was watching Dipper tend to the bite mark on his arm.

"What happened to you?" Ford asked.

The pale teen shrugged and plainly replied, "Hellhound."

Ford tensed up and repeated, shocked, "I'm sorry, but, did you just say a Hellhound did that to you?!"

Caesar nodded.

"Yeah, Caesar said he was just in the forest and it came out of nowhere and attacked him," Dipper began to explain as he wrapped Caesar's arm up. "The holy water you gave me worked and it hurt the Hellhound enough to scare it off."

Ford stared at Dipper, astonished, and his mouth was gaping open.

"I... I can't believe you actually ran into a Hellhound... And managed to get away alive," he muttered, running a hand through his hair.

"That's so cool!" Mabel squealed, making Caesar snicker a bit.

"Dipper, when you get the chance, come talk to me about that Hellhound so I can catalog it in my journal," Ford told him.

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