Chapter 12

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"Please! Leave me alone!" a young woman pleaded; she should not have been out so late, alone, and unarmed. Such easy prey for the low life that wandered the dangerous part of the city. Two men, larger than her and flashing blades ignored her pleas and merely punched her when she started screaming for help.

"Don't you know it's rude to hit a lady?" the question was deemed rhetorical when out of nowhere the two men doubled over in pain, seeing nothing but a flash of blue and gray.

"Who the hell are you?" one of the men snarled, glaring at the masked man who now stood between them and the woman. He smirked in reply.

"Call me Rave."

"What sort name is-" a high swinging kick caught the man in the jaw, breaking it and sending him to the ground. The hero grinned, staring down the other man who ran for it. With a glare and a kick to the man on the ground the blue and silver man looked at the woman. She had brown eyes and short brown hair, mid twenties, heavily applied make up, nothing too spectacular in his eyes.

"Let's get you home," he offered, seeing the shock sink in as her trembling increased. Carefully he took her arm, escorting her home so she would not pass out on the streets to be robbed after what had already happened. He turned around when he was alone once more, looking into the shadows. He knew someone was following him.

" 'Rave' ehh? Wonder where that name came from..." a familiar blonde emerged from the shadows, finger on her cheek as she pondered it. Her suggestion made him grow red.

"It's not what you think!" she laughed at him, looking at him to explain.

"If it isn't a play on her name then what is it?"

"Well... when Raven and I last spoke we talked about raves..." she laughed at this again, it was slightly absurd to her but she stopped when she saw how flustered he was getting. But her grin continued as she felt his uncontainable emotions, even if he didn't understand them she was very good with reading and distinguishing emotions. He crossed his arms, in a sort of silent 'happy now?' motion. She sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Oh don't be like that. Besides I know what will make you happy!" he raised an eyebrow, not looking very impressed yet, "Raven will be here soon."

"Wait what!?"

"Calm down, I sent for her!" she brushed it off with a wave of her hand, turning away from him to start walking in a random direction. He ran after her, catching up in a matter of strides.

"Why did you- how did you?" he demanded, momentary panic taking over him along with the anticipation of seeing her again. He could not help his glancing every which way in order to see her as soon as she arrived, and he caught the Shepardess giving him an amused look.

"A little eager there aren't ya?" she asked with a smirk, thoroughly amused by his blush. He blinked and thought for a moment.

"Should I tone it down...?" the man asked, concerned about his every action now as the blonde shrugged.

"For an empath Raven is possibly thicker than you are. I doubt you need to worry about it," he was unable to ask what she meant by that when the girl stopped paying attention to him, looking into the sky to watch the approaching dark figure. The black bird landed, evaporating to reveal Raven, her purple eyes instantly drawn to the man in shock. He flickered a smile, a bit put off as he no longer knew what exactly to do. Neither needed to worry about being awkward because the blonde took over with a bright smile and warm voice.

"Hello Raven! I figured you wouldn't be sleeping and knew you wouldn't mind coming out for an adventure," Raven looked at the girl, confused but enjoying the security and peace inside her mind.

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