Chapter 7

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Several days had passed and Raven once more had relative control of her powers and the ability to sleep for more than three hours at a time. It was an uneasy peace of mind, she knew it wasn't going to last and she tried her best not to push it, keeping calm and meditating or reading books. It also happened to be light crime wise, nor did any of her teammates approach her about what had happened. She preferred it that way.

Raven was sitting in the common room, sipping tea as she read a book. For once it was somewhat quiet in the lounge room, Cyborg working on his car and Starfire and Beast Boy running the training courses. Robin was the only one in the room with her, pouring over files and papers on the table while he had the news on in the background. She was quiet for him, letting him think out loud every now and again as he tried to figure out the motives in recent attacks. The objects some criminals were targeting where not what they usually went after, and Robin being Robin had to figure it out. Slade had also worked his way onto the table as well, not because of what he stole but because he was stealing things as another broke in. The latest theory was that Slade was in fact engineering the whole thing as a great conspiracy, letting one criminal be the main target while he slipped in the back door and took off with the goods. Raven refrained from mentioning how Slade had specifically said some items were for her or because of her. She imagined it would make things easier on Robin without including that level to the investigation.

When her cup was empty she walked back to her kettle to refill, looking over the paper covered table to see what Robin was studying this time. He was currently going over the various items targeted and either successfully stolen or saved by the Teen Titans, trying to understand their overall purpose and uses. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a familiar face flash across the screen and she looked up to see what the news reporter was saying.

"-continues with an ongoing search. Her parents have issued yet another plea for any information concerning their daughter, who has been missing for several weeks now-"

"Raven what is it?" Robin asked in surprise, looking at Raven. She hadn't even realized the cup had slipped through her fingers and shattered on the floor.

"Robin, I know her. I've seen her!" Raven said in shock, staring at the television and the picture of The Shepardess. Robin looked at her in confusion, glancing between the image on the screen and Raven.

"Then you need to contact to police, tell them what you know, when you last saw her..." he said, not sure what else to say in his bewilderment. Raven nodded, breaking out of her surprise and cleaning up the broken cup and hot tea. The Shepardess was a missing person? Well, no normal girl would be walking around the streets at one in the morning saving people. Sure the Teen Titans did that, but they didn't have parents to give them a curfew... Had she run away? She certainly didn't seem to be kidnapped and held hostage somewhere, what sort of kidnapper sends his victim to go save people at odd hours of the night?

"Raven... have you looked at what has been stolen?" Robin asked her as if putting puzzle pieces together. In response she raised an eyebrow at him.

"Not really, why?" she was not sure where he was going with this, but it put her on edge. Robin was quiet as he picked up a list he had complied of everything stolen and its function.

"Well, Adonis was after some sort of amplifier... the owners only said that it increased natural mental abilities. And Slade stole a chemical that is suppose to increase brain functions while Dr Light was after an energy source that can be used directly with the body and specifically the brain..." ah yes, the failed Doctor Light heist a little under a week ago. He had broken out of jail, but with one glance at Raven he had surrendered again. But Raven saw where he was going with this, or at least she thought she knew where this was going.

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