Chapter 6

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"How was it girls?" Aunt Carol asks when we bring our water bottles into the waiting area.
"So much fun! We learned this dance called the jig and we learned how to point and do this move called a hop 1,2,3! It was so cool!" Chloe exclaims. Our moms laugh and then mom turns to me and says, "Did you have fun, Lucy?" I shrug. Then I grab my water and head out to the car.

After mom finishes talking to Aunt Carol, she gets into the car and starts the engine. "Luce, you didn't seem that excited when you came out. Did you like it?" She asks.
"I don't know. I guess." I say.
"Do you want to keep doing it?" Mom asks. Oh boy. How can I just flat out say no without sounding rude?
"Sure." I hear my mouth say. Woah woah woah! I don't want to do it again, but I can't just eat my words! Mom already heard them!
"Alright! Anne says you can start coming Mondays and Wednesdays. That sound good?" Mom says.
"Sure." I say unenthusiastically. What am I getting myself into?

Something New (Book 1 of the Reaching New Heights Series)Where stories live. Discover now