Chapter Five

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                                                                   Chapter five

Rose was not okay. She stared out the window and sighed. The professors had secured the transmutation classroom and assured everyone that Emily would be just fine, but that classes would be cancelled for the rest of the day. The students where then instructed to go to their common room and enjoy their free time until dinner. Rose had never seen the room so quiet in her life. Only a select few had decided to stay out of their room, and where in scattered in small groups around the room. Rose couldn't help but shiver. The image of Emily's dark eyes was still fresh in her mind. She could hardly comprehend what had happened. What had taken ahold of Emily? Had she been possessed? She had never heard of such a thing happening before.


Rose turned around, and found Julia looking at her, concern written all over her features. She tried to bring out her most convincing smile and answered.


"I heard what happened. Or at least, I heard a story of what happened. Are you okay?"

Rose didn't want her friend to worry, so she tried her hardest to give a convincing answer.

"Don't worry, I am totally fine."

She could tell by the look on Julia's face that she hadn't convinced her. Letting out a soft sigh, she turned to face her completely.

"Honestly, I don't know what to feel. I am freaked out, I'm scared, and I am very confused. I don't know what to think of anything."

Julia sat down beside Rose.

"It's okay. Start off by telling me what really happened, and then we can work from there."

Rose explained what she had seen, pausing every now and then to take a deep breath.

"That is... That is so odd. Do you think something may have taken control off her? I can't think of any other reason this could have happened." Julia picked at her tie distractedly.

"I was thinking it must have been something along the lines of possession, where else would she have learned such a spell? It wasn't like anything I have seen before."

Julia nodded.

"It sounds like it must have taken a ton of magic though, transmutation is draining, and she managed to make something of your size out of a tea cup. That is well beyond her level of magic." She pulled a long string out of her tie. "This is all just so confusing, I just d-"

Julia was interrupted when one of the older Ravenclaws came and informed them that it was time for dinner.

"Shall we?" Julia asked her friend.

Rose grimaced. She wanted anything but to go to the great hall and have to face more people, but she knew that sitting around alone in the common room wasn't going to make her feel any better.

Julia stuck out her hand invitingly, and with a loud grunt Rose took it and pulled herself up.

"I don't know if I'm up for food right now Jules. I really just want to go lie down and take a nap or something. Forget that this day happened." Rose rubbed her forehead.

"I totally understand. You really should try to eat something though, and who knows, maybe they'll have some information about what happened. Knowing our head master, they'll probably have figured out what caused this and taken care of it by now. I'm sure there will be an announcement telling us that everything is actually totally fine, and that it was just a wand malfunction or something."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2015 ⏰

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