Try Plan D for Dolled Up

Start from the beginning

     Looking back up at Chase, Hana laughed softly with a shake of her head. "Yeah, I know what you mean; everything seems to be changing for us," she smiled, looking down at her hands. The stark white nail polish created a large contrast with her tanned skin. The manicure was flawless, all thanks to Sora, oddly enough.

     Chase chuckled as he tried to get Hana to look up. "Well, I've been thinking," he started, taking one of her hands in his. "Maybe it's time that we changed."

     The woman looked up, utterly speechless and completely red in the face. She couldn't believe what luck she had struck! Finally, the man she adored returned her feelings. As she opened her mouth to speak, though, Hana watched as Chase's flashed black. ", no, no...Chase..."

     Chase leaned forward, his smile ever charming. "I'm sorry, he'd love to chat with you right now, but I've got some unfinished business with you," the demon stated, his grip tightening around her hand. "Now, come with me and I'll make it quick and easy."

     Hana nodded meekly, hoping to God that the demon wouldn't notice the Winchesters, as she walked out of the bar with Chase. "Why are you doing this? Why are you after me?"

     Chase's laugh was welcoming, but the little woman had to remember that this was not the man that she had fallen in love with. Wait, what? I'm not in love with Chase! "The boss said that you play a very important part and he can't have you running about so freely."

     "So, what are you going to do to me?" Hana asked, keeping her voice level. She didn't want him to realize how shaken she truly felt. Yet, the adrenaline coursing through her veins reminded her that this was all planned out. She just had to keep him talking and keep him distracted. "Are you going to kill me?"

     "Oh, no," Chase replied, his grip moving to her wrist as they exited the bar. "No, the boss just wanted to put some fear into you; maybe make a deal with you and that tengu of yours," Chase continued, now pushing Hana into his car. Once they were both inside, they drove to the outskirts of the city. Thankfully, Chase never even noticed the 1967 Impala following behind him.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

     When the car finally stopped, Hana noticed a quaint old house in the middle of a field. She was curious as to why the demon picked this place instead of the typical broken-down shed or abandoned warehouse. Nevertheless, this was their stop and Chase was soon dragging Hana towards the small home.

     Once inside, Hana was strapped down to a very uncomfortable chair. Chase hummed while he bound her wrists and ankles to the chair. "Good! Now, you won't be able to run away while we wait," Chase smiled innocently.

     Hana stiffened in her seat, narrowing her eyes at Chase. "Who are we waiting for?" She asked, hoping that he would say anyone else but the two hunters. After all, they were bound to arrive at any moment now.

     Thankfully, luck seemed to be on her side, as the demon said that a higher ranked demon was on their way. And then, he went on to monologue about the plans "they" had for Hana and Sora. Like how they would breed some demigod children to raise under the king of hell's wing (which thoroughly grossed out the young woman). Or how they could wed Hana to the king of hell and breed an heir to the flaming throne (why the demon wouldn't name the guy who ruled over hell, Hana didn't know).

     A knock at the front door made the girl jump, effectively ending the demon's rant as he approached the door. When he opened it, though, he was the tiniest bit surprised to see the Winchesters. Dean through the first punch, tackling the demon while Sam ran over to Hana. "Sorry it took us a while," Sam chuckled breathlessly. "We were welcomed outside by some body guards."

     Hana nodded, her eyes scanning the younger Winchester's face for any damage. There were a few scratches here and there, but nothing too drastic. Her hands reached out to his large ones as she pulled herself into her feet. "Hurry and say the chant, Sam!" She urged, watching as Dean had Chase's body pinned underneath him.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

     It doesn't take much time, as the Latin words compel the demon to leave Chase's body. Thank God, the man wasn't very badly hurt; just unconscious for the moment. After having held him down, Dean rolls onto his back while regaining his breath. Sam had taken Chase to the Impala for the time being.

     "Oh! I should probably call for Sora to fix everybody up," Hana piped up, wanting so badly to end the awkward silence. She closed her eyes and held out her hands, palms facing up. "If you can hear this, Sora: I need you, so get your lazy ass down here."

     Dean watched as Hana had prayed and Sora appeared with the flapping of his wings. Though, as the tengu stood before the two adults, you could clearly see the black wings folded behind Sora's back. "You know, I'd appreciate it if you weren't so rude every time that you needed me for something. Especially for life threatening situations."

     Hana just rolled her eyes, her arms folding across her chest. "Nevermind that," she scoffed. "I need you to return Chase to his place. And please be gentle with his memories when you tinker with them."

     Sora groaned, walking outside to grab the unconscious man. Hana patted his wing when he brushed passed, earning an unpleasant grumble from the man. Dean looked on in a daze, trying to find the right wording for his bubbling question.

     "We're not going to erase Chase's memories, if that's what you were thinking," the woman chimed in, interrupting his thoughts. "Sora's just going to...alter them, so Chase doesn't have to live with a guilty conscience nor much of a recollection of being possessed."

     At that moment, Sam walked in. "We're all set and ready to go," he stated, glancing between his brother and the young woman. "We should get you back home to your grandfather, Hana."

     The woman smiled, nodding her head in agreement. It'd be nice to see gramps after such an eventful evening. So, without further adieu, the trio headed for the Impala.

✪ ✪ ✪ ✪ ✪

     A rough hand shook Hana's shoulder, jostling her from her small nap. Her brown eyes fluttered open to see Sam Winchester's handsome face. He smiled small at hearing her yawn while she stretched. "C'mon, Hana. This is your stop," he voiced softly.

     She simply nodded, taking the man's outstretched hand. After getting out of the Impala, the woman thanked the two hunters. Giving the Winchesters both a kiss on the cheek, Hana slipped inside of her home.

     Surely, this would be the last time that their paths ever crossed.

     But, as fate would have it, it certainly wasn't the last they'd see of each other.

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