Lydia stared completely ahead of the classroom and slowly got up from the chair, walking towards the front. Ignoring Stella's question completely which didn't amuse her at all.

Walking over to her she saw the abandoned phone on the piano. It seemed like it could be the music teachers phone. The brunette girl looked over at her new friend who was staring right back at her before bending down and pressed the play button on it.

The sound of the beautiful piano started to ring into their ears soothing them a bit until Stella finally got frustrated again and rolled her eyes. Grabbing the phone she started to skip almost the entire audio clip before she got to the end she finally pressed play again. The sounds filling their ears were replaced from piano music to creepy hushed sounds making them look into each others eyes once again.

"We should go show Stiles this, Stella." Lydia suggested and grabbed the phone from Stella's hands which Stella then crossed her arms in front of her chest, popping one hip out with a raised eyebrow.

"Why do I have to go with you to show Stilinski?" She asked with a tired tone in her voice which only made Lydia purse her lips to.

"You don't like him very much do you?"


"Well, I really don't care." Lydia says loudly and grabbed her arm, pulling her out of the classroom.

The second that Stella got into Lydia's car was the second she fell into a deep sleep while her friend drove to Deaton's store. The young brunette Argent never really liked to sleep a lot anymore because she always gets similar nightmares that haunt her when she's awake as well. It's as if she can't run away from her nightmares. Things that haunt her.

She was heavily breathing as she was running through the dark creepy forest that belonged to Beacon Hills. She had no clue to why she was there in the first place or what she was running from or running towards to but all she knew was that she had to keep to running and make it to her destination. It was something that had to be done and she felt that deep inside her.

So, she kept on running. The tall trees all becoming like a blur from how fast she was running. Luckily, she was wearing her converse instead of her boots or else she would have fallen over by that moment.

Dark smoke started to fill the forest and the smell of burnt stuff started to fill Stella's nose.

And the only thing that Stella was able to hear was her heavy breathing along with her fast heart beat that was pounding against her chest in a rhythm. She started to feel anxious when she started to have a feeling that she was getting closer to her destination.

Her feet all of a sudden stopped moving completely when her eyes caught the sight of a medium sized home made out of wood filled with large flames. That's when she finally started to hear the rest of her surroundings. Loud screaming came from inside the house showing that people were indeed inside there and in this case they were trapped, yelling for help. Stella kept snapping her head around in all directions desperately trying to find a way to help the people inside even if she didn't know them.

Her medium length legs jogged her over to a door from behind the house that didn't seem to be to dangerous to enter. The rest of the doors were blocked by lots of wood with flames on them which stopped her from entering.

Stella grabbed onto the doorknob and harshly tried to open it but failed when she realized that it was locked. Her hands started to shake like crazy when she started to feel terrible for not knowing how to help everyone in the house.

The Other Argent ➵ Stiles Stilinski [1]Where stories live. Discover now