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Michelle's p.o.v.

Me and Mason were just hanging out in my bedroom, kinda getting comfortable in this place before we get comfortable with him.

"What do you think is the main reason why mom send us here?"

"I don't know, man. Maybe so we could get to meet the other half that was supposed to parent us but instead of left?"

I chuckled.

"Mase, I know you're not into this whole moving thing but don't be too hard on him.
Even i am being nice to the guy."

"Yeah yeah, i know bu-.."

"Erm, hey guys could you maybe come to the living room for a second? I need to talk to you guys before anything else."

"Oh, okay."

-In the living room-

"Okay so since you guys are going to stay here for awhile, i decided to give you options."

"What kind of options are you talking about, Mark."

Mason really doesn't like him. I smirked.

"School options. You can choose to either way go to a public high school or take online classes. As long as you both keep your grades up, I'm fine with both of the options."

"I wanna go to a public school."

"Michelle, are you mad!
We are known over a big part of America and you want to take a risk like that? We're doing online classes and that's it."

"Sorry mom, I would rather go to a public high school like any other 15 year old. If you don't want to then I'm fine with that."





"Okay now; the rules:
I don't tollerate any sorts of drinking, smoking or drugs.
School activities are allowed unless you're grades are dropping than it's bye bye to your social life.
No parties in my house unless i tell you so.
Back talking, lying, stealing or hiding important things equals grounded.
And last but defiantly not least;
You're allowed to date but you'll have to introduce your partners to me first. If i approve, you can date. If not, than say goodbye.

"Yes, sir." We both said anxious.

"Oh almost forgot, curfew on schoolnights is 10 pm. If you're not home by then, you can stay outside until the morning after. What depends on sleeping, you can decide yourself. I'm not responsible if you don't keep up at school because of your lack of sleep.
Just remember; make smart descisions."

"We will don't worry."

"So school here starts on August 21st, until August 1st you have te to decide wheter it'll be online or public high school."

"Oh and get some sleep will you? It's 4.41 in the morning, the moving truck will be here by tomorrow for all the rest of your stuff that you wanted here and if you want, we could go shopping for new stuff as clothes to shoes to new stuff for your rooms okay?"

"Yeah, fine with me."

"Yeah sure thanks... d-dad."

He gave me a sincere smile but Mason... he wasn't too pleased with me calling Mark, dad.
Well, he is our dad after all.
Might as well get used to it.

And Mason won't be pleased with your upcoming acts either.


531 words.

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