Soul Eater Requests: 3 (Soul Evans)

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Such a beautiful melody. I could hear the soft notes of the piano playing through my wall. I was sitting on my bed with my head and hands pressed firmly to the wall. It was the same as last week and the week before. At midnight on Sunday, beautiful music would start playing from the flat next door to mine. I had never met my neighbors; I knew they were students at the DWMA but that was pretty much it.

I focused in again on the piano. It was always the same song, but I knew I would never tire of it. It was slow, and I could tell that the keys were pressed softly. Each note flowed into the next perfectly. I closed my eyes and pictured the piano keys being pressed. The nimble fingers dancing over them.

The melody came to an end once more and everything was silent again. I looked over at the clock on my nightstand.


I pushed myself off the wall and laid down back onto my bed. It was over for this week then. It started at exactly midnight and ended at exactly 1:00am. I sighed to myself and pulled the covers over my body.

“Until next week then”

The next morning was like any other early Monday, granted I was probably a little extra tired thanks to my late night concert but it was always worth it. I closed my front door behind me, fresh coffee still working its way into my system. I heard the door next door open and shut and one of my mysterious neighbors appeared. It was the guy, I didn’t know his name but I would never dare ask. Id be too tempted to ask about the piano playing and if who it was that was playing wanted people to hear them, then they probably wouldn’t pick midnight to do it.

“Oioi. What are you staring at?”

I blinked back into the real world and shock my head laughing nervously, waving my hands lightly.

“Nothing! Nothing! I- I just zoned out for a little bit”

He shook his head. I swear I could hear him mutter ‘girls’ under his breath. We both just stood there not really sure whether to introduce ourselves or just continue on with the day. I looked nervously at everything but the boy in front of me hoping he would make the first move. Seconds slowly went by as I contemplated just turning around and walking off.

“The names Soul”

He had gone from awkwardly standing to leaning on his door with his arms folded over his chest. I rattled my brain, trying to think of the right response. I finally smiled weakly and put out a shaky hand.

“Nice to meet you, my names Kalista”

He grinned at my hand, showing off his unusually sharp teeth and clasped his own hand firmly around mine, giving it a light shake. I quickly retracted my hand and fidgeted under his gaze. He chuckled at me.

“Are you always this nervous? Don’t worry I aint gonna eat you. Scaring little girls isn’t cool.”

I gave him a weary look after the words ‘little girl’ came up. I was far from little. Well not that far, I was average height for a girl my age and he was only a few inches taller then me. I pouted lightly.

“Im not little.”

God that sounded sulky to my own ears. He probably thought I was really childish now. I sighed and let my shoulders sag a little. He grinned down at me and rubbed the back of his head. I finally decided to leave before I made myself look completely retarded in front of him. I waved at him at him weakly.

“So yeah, bye then.”

I quickly turned and started to scurry away hoping not to look that desperate to get away. I heard him laugh behind me.

“Yeah, see you next Sunday”

I paused midstep, the blood draining from my face. He had heard me?! The muttering on the first night, the gushing over the melody. I bit my lip, absolutely petrified to the spot.

“The walls are really thin. If you could hear me, didn’t it occur to you that I could hear you too?”

Soul Eater Requests: 1 (Death The Kid)Where stories live. Discover now