Soul Eater Requests: 1 (Death The Kid)

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“You are unworthy to sit by me.”

Those were the first words he said to me. It was my first day at the academy and I was assigned to the seat next to his. I had walked over, all smiles, ready to make nice with my new class mates and for my efforts I received.

“You are disgustingly unsymmetrical.”

For nearly two weeks I had to walk into class and be greeted by him telling me what was wrong with some part of me.

“The left side of your hair is too long!”

“Your top is uneven!”

“Put an identical band on your other wrist or don’t bother at all!”

“Why the hell are your shoelaces different color!?”

“Fix your sweater knot!”

But, as I stood next to him behind my chair expecting the same hate reaction I always got. He did nothing. He was arranging his pencils on his part of the desk when I entered. He simply glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and did nothing! No look of disgust, no pointing, no screaming. Nothing. I spent a few good minutes simply staring at him, shocked by the lack of his reaction. He stopped fiddling with his pencils and glanced at me again.


I slumped into my chair, still staring full force at him.

“well?! You havnt screamed at me, pointing out whats not ‘symmetrical’. Are you sick?”

I rested a palm on his forehead checking for any signs of a fever. He was cool, perfectly normal. I slammed my hands on the desk and lent forward almost making our noses touch. He blushed lightly and pushed me away gently.

“No! I am not sick. There is nothing wrong with you today. You, you are perfect today.”

I looked own at my outfit, I was in a rush this morning so I had forgotten my sweater and had no time for my trainers so I had simple flats on. I looked back at Kid who was watching me with his head resting on one propped up hand. I narrowed my eyes at him and grabbed his collar yanking his face close to mine.

“Are you trying to tell me that all I had to do was wear flats and no sweater?”

He tried to pry my hands off him, trying to flatten down the new wrinkles in his suit. He shrank away slightly.

“Well......yes. But the good news is you are now perfectly symmetrical! Perfect to be sitting next to me.”

I felt my eye twitch and my blood boil.

I was beginning to despise the word symmetry.

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