Chapter 15

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Amelia watched as her Uncle's carriage stopped outside the double front doors. It had been a while since she last saw him. She felt like running towards him in happiness but knew she couldn't. Everything around him had to be prim and proper, not a spec could be out of place. Nonetheless, she loved him and will do so for every remaining second of her life. 

Now that Oscar was back, she didn't know how Uncle James might have reacted and thought it better for Oscar to be out of the picture whilst Uncle James was here. He knew how much Oscar had hurt her. Memories of her Uncle's face rushed into her mind after everyone had found out the reality of Oscars disappearance. His face had been so angry, like thunder. It had taken Amelia all her strength not to burst into tears, knowing it would only infuriate her uncle even more, and therefore he'd probably would ha sent someone to murder Oscar. Amelia smiled, her uncle had such an unusual way of expressing his love towards her, as if he'd do anything for her happiness.

Amelia had had to pursued him again and again that she was fine and happy to be alone over the past years. At least she wasn't a spinster, she had said and at that Uncle James had smiled as if knowing her ultimate fear was to become one. Now it was going to be a mission to keep her Uncle from throttling Oscar, since he was back, but for good? She hadn't the slightest clue.

'Uncle James, how are you?' Amelia said as she pecked her beloved uncle on his prickly cheek.

'Dear Amelia, I am fine and you? I hear Lord Pierce is back,' James said straight away with a questioning look. The scoundrel was back and James couldn't wait to get his hands on him. The horrid, spoilt brat, how he had hurt Amelia.

How was she? Amelia thought about his question. Happy, thrilled, excited? all the positive words in the world came hurdling to her, but that wasn't to be the answer, her Uncle would only think her weak if she portrayed her happiness due to Oscar's re-appearance in her life after his huge and bitter betrayal and humiliation.

'I am fine Uncle, I've baked some fresh shortcake biscuits today for tea .' Amelia said knowing shortbread was his favourite and trying to deter the conversation to something- more positive.

'Yes, lovely.'

James smiled as he followed Amelia for tea who had a skip in her walk. Oscar must be drooling over her now. Amelia had changed so much in the past couple of years, not only in radiating her true beauty but her now strong, bold persona as if marriage had made her more stronger -without her husband. He smiled as he realized that at least she hadn't become depressed, rather found activities to keep herself occupied like baking and her friendship with the servants, which was a strange as she was a Lady, wife of a future earl who did not suit such demeaning acts. However, he never questioned her activities. It was better she did as she wished than being lonely and bored.

Amelia turned as she reached the tea room biting her lips, with a worried expression.

'Uncle James...I... I want you to promise me something.'

James didn't answer.


'Only if it's reasonable.' he said sternly.

'No, please just promise me.'

'What?' James looked at her face which was red with determination. 'Fine, as you wish.' he said after a few long moments. He wasn't a man who made promises easily.

'Promise me, you won't hurt Oscar- Lord Pierce.' Amelia watched as her Uncles brow flurried and his jaws clenched. This wasn't going well.

'I see, already on first name basis.'

'Please Uncle.' Amelia tried desperately. James sighed heavily as it was a burden to make the promise.

'Ok, I promise I won't...physically hurt him, but don't think I won't have severe words with him.'

Amelia beamed. 'That's perfectly fine by me.'


Oscar watched as his father sipped the tea. He had come early in the morning in an attempt to avoid Amelia's uncle. His father looked older and weaker than before. His hair had turned shiny grey and his small beard too. He had smiled a few times since Oscar had come which was more than what Oscar had expected. After, his father had taken a long nap as he felt tired and had awaken for tea.

'How's Lady Amelia?' He asked after the one topic of conversation.

'Not you too father.' Oscar muttered.

'What do you mean?' Lord Vincent asked his son, confused.

'Everyone seems to call her Lady Amelia-not Pierce.'

Lord Vincent frowned a little. His son looked quite lifted for some reason and without his usual air of arrogance and gloominess. He must have liked the change in his beautiful wife, for she was now a work of art.

'I take that you like what you have seen-recently.' Lord Vincent said casually emphasising on recently.

'Forgive me, I do not understand.' Oscar said despite knowing exactly where his father was aiming at.

'Your wife, quite a beauty isn't she? It's a shame you missed out on her all these years.'

Oscar stopped and didn't reply. There was nothing to say. It was the sordid truth after all.  

'Father, I have a question," Oscar said hesitantly. 'When did she turn so independent and strong minded and... talkative?" 

Lord Vincent looked at him strangely. Amelia and talking seemed to be enemies to one another. 

"what do mean talkative? she hardly says two words in my presence and she doesn't allow visitors, so how can she become talkative?" 

'She talks to the servants...maybe I was wrong to say that, but she talks much more than before." 

"Maybe the years apart hardened her towards you and built her confidence?" Lord Vincent suggested unnecessarily. 

Oscar ignored his fathers jibe.   It was tragic to know that if Oscar had come home sooner it would have most probably been easier to have her where he wanted and not him making effort towards her.

'You know Oscar, her life isn't all it seems; imagine living your life with people and completely unaware that you're being lied-" Lord Vincent abruptly stopped, having already said too much.

'What are you talking about father? Tell me!' Oscar demanded. His father knew something important that he didn't know- that Amelia, herself did not know.

'Oscar I would not break my oath, even if you were to never talk to me again...' Lord Vincent sighed. ' I feel rather tired, I'm going to retire to my chambers.' Lord Vincent stood up quickly. what had he done? He knew his son, even though many thought otherwise. Oscar was never going to let go until he found out what had nearly been announced, and the truth wasn't that far away either.

Oscar knew his stubborn father who was always true to his words, despite he being wronged by others. He also knew too well what a man Sir James was, and having already exceedingly crossed him once, by his leave to America, Oscar didn't have the capability to cross him again. Someone else out there must know, he just needed to know who and what the lie was.

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