Chapter 22

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I grabbed an apple and ate it on my way out to the barn. I got gypsy out of her stall and put her in the arena to walk around and stretch for a bit while I grabbed to brushes and lung line and lunge whip.

I walk over to the indoor arena and open the gate. Gypsy walks up to me straight away.

"Does it feel nice to stretch girl?" I question patting her neck.

I grab her halter and take her to the tack rack. I tie her up here to brush her and pick her hooves since its easier to clean up the mud from her hooves

"Good girl." I say patting her shoulder as I pick to last foot.

It took me about 30 minutes to an hour to brush her out fully.

"Alright let's lunge for a bit girl."

I hook up the lung line to her halter. Then I grab the lung whip asking her to go left counter clock wise.
She responded amazingly and started a walk.

I continued walking her that way for about 15 minutes before asking her to go right.

After another 15 minutes the opposite way, I changed her direction back to left, asking her for a nice trot. She responded and picked up a smooth trot.

I only ran her like this for about 10 minutes then changed her direction for another 10 minutes.

I took a step forward, asking her to stop. She listened and she turned in towards me. I held my hand out as a single to walk up to me which she gladly accepted.

I took her out in the field and rinsed her down with the water hose.

"You did amazing girly." I smiled, thinking of the progress we have made.

I turned the water off then allowed her to graze in the field with Train.

I entered the stables and cleaned out gypsy's stall. I shoveled out all the bedding and replaced it with brand new chippings. That way I wouldn't have to do it later. 
I went back into the house plopping down on the couch.

Really short I know I've just been really stressed. And I know this isn't on a Thursday. I'm sorry!!! More chapters soon hopefully!

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