Chapter Two

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Today's the day.

After a week of waiting, I'm finally able to go to Google headquarters which is literally just a few miles from my grandmother's house.

I double check everything, making sure I didn't miss anything. When I pack the few forgotten items, I zip up my suitcase, hauling it off of my bed before placing my messenger bag around my body, making sure my phone and laptop are in it before walking out of my room, shutting the light off an the door behind me.

Somehow, I manage to get my suitcase down the stairs and to the living room with no help. I'm kind of a heavy packer, even though I could just call a taxi and have them drive me back to Nana's to get something that I need.

I set my suitcase down by the door before walking into the living room just off the entrance hall where Nana sits on the couch.

She smiles at me as I walk in, standing and wrapping her arms around me. "I'm so proud of you, Holland," she whispers in my ear, making me smile.

"Thanks, Nana," I tell her quietly, resting my chin in the space between her shoulder and neck.

"You've worked so hard for your dreams, and now they're finally coming true. I wish you the best of luck, sweetheart. Have fun, and don't be afraid to make a few friends along the way."

I smile at her as we pull back, our arms still around each other. "When have I ever been afraid to make friends, Nana?" I ask her with a smirk.

Nana rolls her eyes, leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead just as the taxi outside honks. She would've taken me to campus, but she had other things to do today rather than drive me places.

"Remember to come visit and shoot me a text or call every night before you go to bed. I love you, sweetheart," she tells me as I walk out of the door, my suitcase rolling behind me.

I smile back at her. "Of course, Nana. I love you, too. Bye!"

"Goodbye, Holland!" she exclaims as the taxi driver helps me put my suitcase in the trunk of the yellow car. I get in the back of the car, buckling myself up. I send Nana one last wave before the taxi driver starts off down the street, toward Google.

Here goes nothing.

My mouth falls open in awe as I stand on the sidewalk in front of the glass building, the sound of the taxi leaving behind me.

People among people walk around me, entering or exiting the glorified, glass building of nerds. Bikes of the classic Google colors wheel around the place, people sitting on the grass of the front courtyard. People talking and interacting with each other. Everything is so amazing.

After my general state of shock, I manage to wheel my suitcase and me into the building, finding the receptionist's desk. The blonde woman with glasses behind the counter gives me my room number, my lanyard with my name tag attached to it, and a propeller hat with the Google colors on it with the word Google, displayed just like it is on the internet.

I quickly make a trip to my dorm room, which I have to myself, dropping my suitcase off before I shove the key into my bag, walking out of the room and closing it behind me. It's nothing special. A living room open to a kitchen and then a separate room for the bedroom and bathroom.

Once I'm back in the building, I'm asked to put my cap on my head to determine who the interns are and who actually work here. With a sigh and a roll of my eyes once the worker is out of my sight, I stuff my hat into my bag, deciding I'll put it on when I get to the first meeting.

A café catches my eye as I walk around for a bit, a coffee machine in my line of vision. I can immediately taste the caramel frappes I'm so obsessed with on my tongue, making my mouth water. I quickly walk over to the café, waiting in line for my turn.

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