"WE WON!" Dean chants. Did I mention Dean is on the team? Yep. Woo flipping hoo.

"All thanks to Weasley. He was wicked out there!" Katie Bell adds.

Ron blushes. He's not used to praises.

"It wasn't all me. I really couldn't have done it without Harry's help-whoa!" Ron gasps as the team hoists him up on they're shoulders, chanting WEASLEY! WEASLEY! I shake my head and start chanting along.

Ginny rolls her eyes but chants his name too. Ron is definitely going to let this get to his head. That's okay, though. Ron has never been really recognized for anything. Always trying to live up to his older brothers expectations. This little fame will be good for his confidence.

● ● ●


Two hours has passed since the big win and everyone was still celebrating in the Gryffindor's common room. Confetti was tossed everywhere and it dances all around the room. Drinks and food was being devoured by everyone.

I am sitting in one of the chairs perched by the chess board, admirably watching Ron mingle with his friends. Parvati is next to me, reading a book. Quidditch is certainly not her thing but she goes to every game with me regardless.

The skin on my knuckles turn white as I tighten my grip on the arms of the chair. My eyes follow as I watch Ron make his way over to Hermione. Why? Out of all the better options, of all the girls he could have he chooses her?  My teeth clench as one of his arms slowly wrap around Hermione's waist just before he pulls her into a deep hug. I wish he would wrap his strong arms around me. Ron is even taller now. He's at least four inches taller than last year. His red hair looks even more gorgeous. Don't even get me started on his breath taking eyes.

Reaching around Hermione, Ron grabs a cup of pumpkin juice and hands it to her. I wish he would hand me a cup of pumpkin juice. Someone accidentally bumps into Hermione and causes the juice to splash her in the face. I snicker. Not so perfect, are you, miss goody-goody. But then Ron laughs as he mops the juice up with a napkin, causally swiping the paper napkin on her lips and cheeks. I notice that Hermione blushes. The girl has the nerve to blush? She doesn't even like him! Well... I don't know that for sure but I bet she doesn't.

"I. Hate. Her," I grit out.

"Hate who Lavender?" Parvati asks without looking up from her book.

"Her! Granger!" I clarify.

"Nothing new there," she yawns, clearly board with this conversation.

"Parv! Why can't you understand that I love him!" I say, frustrated.

"Lavender. You've been obsessing over him for over six years now. If you really li- I'm sorry, I mean love him, then do something about it and quit whining." She finishes. That's a marvelous ideas.

"So you're saying I should kiss him?!" I beam. Parvati finally looks up from her book.

"Did I say that?" She looks at me. "I don't think that's what I said at all."

"Technically, yes. You told me to do something about it."

She sighs. "What I meant was that you should tell him how you feel-"

"Through kissing! Parvati you're a genius!" I hug her before heading toward Ron. I walk right over to Ron, pushing Hermione out of the way. She shoots me a glare but I ignore her. I tap on Ron's should. When he looks at me, I smile at him.

Skinny Love: A Romione Love Story [CURRENTLY UNDERGOING REVISION]Where stories live. Discover now