8. The Wedding (For Alan Rickman)

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Lilly's POV
I woke up early to take a shower and get clean and ready. I came out with my dress on to see Neville sitting upright on the bed. He smiled and I sat on his lap saying, "Morning..."
I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He replied, "Morning, Love... How do you feel?"
I blushed slightly remembering the night before. I caresses his cheek saying, "Absolutely perfect..." He smiled and I kissed him softly before saying, "I have to go help set up, but I'll be back to pick you up later, alright?"
He nodded smiling and said, "I'll be here..."
I got off his lap and Neville plafully pinched my bum. I turned to him and glared at him. He smiled at me smugly. I rolled my eyes playfully and teleported to the Weasleys'.
It was really last minute things that needed to be done.
Harry, who had taken Polyjuice Potion to disguise himself, Ron, Fred, and George were seating guests while Ginny, Gabrielle, Fleur's mom, Mrs. Weasley, and I were helping Fleur get ready.
I said, "I have to take a quick bathroom break, I'll be right back."
I really went to get Neville, and thank Merlin I didn't get seen by Aunt Muriel, she's a very opiniated person and a bit rude...
I popped over to the house and shouted, "Neville, time to go!"
He came over to me in his dress robes, even though it's only been about a month, he grew a few inches. I adjusted his robes with my magic and he said, "Thank you, you look beautiful, Lilly." I giggled and we teleported over to the hill. He saw the guys with Hermione and they chatted for a bit. He was seated next to Luna and then Gabrielle, Ginny, and I walked down the isle in gold dresses. Bill and Charlie, his best man, where waiting at the alter. Fleur had a simple white dress that seemed to radiate. She looked beautiful and I was teary by the end of the ceremony. And then we had the reception.
We walked over to a table with Krum and Harry. I said, "Viktor! How lovely it is to see you again!" He stood up, bowed, and hugged me. I said, "It's been two months since we last communicated, how are you?"
He said, "Quite good. How have you been?"
I smiled and said, "Quite well..."
Neville took my hand asking, "Want to dance?"
I smiled and said, "Sorry, Viktor, I hope talk to you later." He nodded and bowed.
Neville pulled me onto the dance floor and I asked, "Someone jealous?"
He said, "Maybe..."
I said, "After last night, I can't see why you would be jealous." He blushed and we danced.
Harry found out why Gregorovitch was so familiar. He made Viktor's wand!
Viktor asked if Ginny was taken and Harry said, "She's seeing aomeone, jealous type. Big bloke. You wouldn't want to cross him.
Krum grunted, "Vot is the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?"
I giggled and I danced with Neville. Then I talked to Viktor after he had an argument with Mr. Lovegood. I said, "Don't worry, he's a bit loony." He nodded and we talked for a bit. I said, "It was great to see you and talk to you again, Viktor. I wish you a happy future."
I hugged him and he asked, "Vhere are you going? You talk like we aren't going to see each other again." I smiled and said, "I leave you with these few words, but a long list of memories..."
I walked with Neville over to the bride and groom saying our goodbyes. They didn't know what was to happen to me, only Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ron, and I knew. They had to have genuine reactions...
I said my goodbyes to everyone else and before Harry went to talk to Elphias Doge, I said to Neville, "Time to go..." He nodded and I brought him back to his house saying, "I'll talk to you tonight after we settle down... "
He pulled me into a tight hug saying, "I love you, Lilly... Always..."
I kissed him passionately and pulled away pressing my forehead against his saying, "I love you, Neville... Always..."
I pulled away before kissing him once more. I went to the Ministry to die...

Harry was talking with Elphias and Muriel, he got a rude awakening when it came to Dumbledore not telling him about his family...

I saw the Minister glance at me as Voldemort murdered him... He knew I was right, his colleagues were under the Imperius Curse and in turn, they turned on him. Voldemort turned to me and he said, "Ah, Miss Black, I presume..."
I said, "Hello, Tom."
His eyes narrowed at me and he asked, "Where is Harry Potter?"
I said, "You'll have to kill me because I will never, ever tell you where!"
"Then this is the last battle you will ever take part in..."
I raised my wand and said, "Let the battle begin."
Kingsley saw me dueling and went to come help me. I yelled to him, "Warn the others!"
Then, Voldemort "killed" me.
Kingsley sent a Patronus to the Burrow and it said, "The Ministry has fallen. Scrimgeour and Lilly are dead. They are coming."

"Happiness can be found even the in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light."
Rest in peace Alan Rickman, may you find eternal happiness.
- A Lilly :)

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