Chapter Thirty - Eight

Start from the beginning

"Wait a minute," interrupted Shellington. "My brother is helping that little liar? Oh, when I get home, he's going to -"

"Mr. Bjorgman," Professor Inkling interrupted, "you don't understand. Tominnow needs to be treated by Tunip. She needs to fall in love with him and only him. If she does, she won't only regain her powers, but also Carter Mason will die."

A smile grew on Tweak's lips. "Wait, really? So, does that mean everything will go back to normal? All the zombies will return to humans?"

Professor Inkling shook his head. "Not necessarily, my dear. Everything will remain the same. Although, with him alive and in control, there's no way to bring the zombies back to their human form. But if Mr. Mason were to die, the zombies would be off their leashes, meaning we could find a cerium to turn the zombies back into humans."

I could be with Kwazii again... Tweak thought. She was now grinning.

A sigh left the Professor's mouth. "Now, Tweak, I know what you're thinking. There is a chance you can't be with your beloved Mr. Young. See, when the zombie potion was created, Carter wrote along with it a prophecy. You know of Mr and Miss Young's special ability, correct?"

Tweak nodded her head. Dashi and Shellington exchanged glances. "What special ability?" questioned Dashi.

"In the prophecy, Carter wrote in a set of twins. One would be turned to a zombie while one remained human. And at 12:00 to 12:10 in the afternoon, the zombie twin's brain will begin to function like a human's, and the two will be able to speak telepathically," explained Professor Inkling. Both Dashi and Shellington's eyes were wide with surprise. The Professor continued, "Kwazii and Kate Young are the twins used in that prophecy. Carter also wrote that due to this special ability, Mr. Young will be half human and half zombie, making him what Mr. Mason calls - 'The Chosen One'. The point of 'The Chosen One' is to resurrect 'The Bloodless'."

"So... this 'Bloodless' is dead, but he will be resurrected by Kwazii because he's 'The Chosen One'? Is that what you're implying?" Dashi asked.

Professor Inkling nodded. "Indeed it is. However, the vision would not tell me who 'The Bloodless' is. All the vision told me is he will be used to take down the thing standing in the way of Carter's happy ending."

"And what's standing in the way?" questioned Shellington.

The Professor let out a sigh. "Well... That's why I wanted you here, Mr. Bjorgman. You're what's standing in Carter's way."

Many gasps were heard. Shellington's eyes widened with fear. "M - Me...? That's impossible. Unless..." His eyes moved to Dashi.

"You are correct, Mr. Bjorgman," Professor Inkling said. "Dashi Smith, the leader of your group, is Carter Mason's happy ending."

Dashi almost chocked. "Wha - What!? How could I be his happy ending!? I'm half his age! I don't even love him!"

Professor Inkling shook his head. "He doesn't care whether you love him or not. All he wants is to marry you. You see, when he first laid eyes on you, he fell in love with you. He had no idea how he'd be able to get you. Then, he remembered a promise he made a close friend long ago. He would create a zombie apocalypse. So, he made a potion and forced the innocent Cedric Hathaway to drink it."

"That's just sick! You don't turn innocent human beings into zombies just to get the woman you love," Shellington growled. He rubbed his temples and let out a sigh. "Who was this friend he promised?"

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