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I woke up that morning heading to the shower. I washed my hair and body soon getting out. I put on my uniform and decided to put my long blonde hair into a pony tail.

I walked out heading to the mess hall but Krista and Armin stopped me. "You can't go in." Armin smiled "Oh? And why not?" I ask. "It's a secret. You and the Corporal aren't able to go in." I narrow my eyes "Says who?" They looked at each other and smiled looking back at me. "Commander Erwin." I sighed. "Fine, but how am I going to eat?" Krista whistled and Eren came out with some tea and a bowl of friut. "Here." Eren smiled. "Alright, thank you..Eren." I smiled slightly then headed to my office. I set the cup and bowl down as I sat.

I finished then got up. I remember that Levi wanted to see me once again so I headed that way. I couldn't help but wonder what the cadets were doing. On my way there I saw Erwin. "Commander!" I yelled and ran in front of him. "Yes?" He asked. "Why can't me and Levi go into the mess hall?" I cross my arms and gave him a glare. "Because. I said not to." So it was true. "Okay, do I have to train the cadets today?" He shook his head. "No. The expedition has been pushed back due to new cadets coming soon. We have two months to get ready." My eyes widened "Two months?" He nodded. "We thought we should at least give the new cadets time to train with us." I nodded. "Is that all?" I nodded again "Yes, thank you Commander Erwin." He nods then I left to go see Levi.

Two months? Who else knows?

I sighed and knocked on the door. "Name and business." I roll my eyes and sigh. "Brooke, you wanted to see me?" I waited then I hear footsteps. I hear the door being unlocked then opened. "Why was the-." He rolled his eyes as I looked up at him. "Tch. So shitty glasses wouldn't barge in." I nodded in understanding then he went to his desk. I walk in shutting the door behind me. "So what did you need Corporal Levi?" I smirked lightly and sat down. I loved calling him that sometimes to annoy him. "Tch, I came to tell you that we were ex-." I cut him off. "That we were extending the expedition? Erwin just informed me." I smiled "Oi that idiot. Well that's all I was told to tell you." I nodded. "Alright can I ask you something?" He waved his hand signaling me to so he didn't have to look away from his papers which annoyed me, so I got an idea. "Oi, brat look to your commander when she's talking to you." I cross my arms and legs with a smirk. He set his pen down chuckling slightly. Damn I admit it's cute when he does that. "What the hell are you doing?" He asked looking at me. "Tch. What does it look like, brat." I click my tongue and start laughing. He rolled his eyes and stood up leaning over me in the chair getting really close so I stop laughing. He leaned to my ear. "Nice to know I can get you to stop." He whispered in that dark voice. He got back up and smirked at me. "Hey, you got to admit I nailed that impression." I smirked teasing him. He snickers and sits down. "So what did you want to ask?" He says looking at me. Then I remember "Oh! Yes, do you know why we were told to stay out of the mess hall? I tried asking Erwin but the fucking idiot won't tell me." I crossed my arms. He laughed a little at my small description. "Well, no I don't. One of the idiot cadets informed me on my walk there." I sighed. "Great!" He chuckled a little. Damn it stop that. "Why so curious?" I looked at him like 'are you kidding me?' "You're not the slightest bit as curious?" He shook his head. "Nope. I could care less to what the brats are doing." He smirked slightly. "Oohhh if I didn't have to clean it is spill your tea on the floor." He raised an eyebrow "Oh really?" I nod. "OOH! I can get it out of Hange!" I smile and stand up. "Tch. Good luck." I held my hand on my hip. "What don't think she'll tell?" He shook his head slightly. "If it has something to do with us and only us then no." I glare at him. "All I have to do is-.. Nevermind." I smile. "What?" He shot me his death glare. "Nothing~ bye Corporal Levi." I smirk then run out his door heading to Hange.

Levi's POV

If she wasn't so damn cute doing that I would of chased after her. Wait! What? What am I thinking? I sighed then remembered how she impersonated me. Damn that was cute. Ugh I'm doing it again. I've been trying to ignore my feelings for her lately so I wouldn't hurt her but damn it she always does something, I always do something.. Like last night..

That kiss..

I smiled remembering that as well. I hit my hand against my head. Damn it Brooke, always getting in my head.

I wish I understood her,

How she feels about me.
Maybe I'll go see her, and tell her. I got up then went after the blonde.

Brooke's POV

"Hange!" I yell as I walk through the halls. Come on Hange your NEVER this hard to find I soon crash into a cadet and with my luck it was Eren. I was on top of him. I ran my hand over my face then saw him. "Eren!" I quickly stood up as for he did to. "I'm so so-." He cut me off. "I've missed you so much Brooke.." Before I could say anything he leaned in and kissed me.

With my luck, Levi saw

I immediately pulled away seeing Levi. "Uh.. I er, Levi!" I looked at Eren who had his arms around me. I pulled them off as I walked slightly closer to him. "Levi, I-." He looked torn and angry. "Tch. Save it Brooke. Go have Titan boy, I don't need nor want this."  He growled then turned walking away. I felt tears streaming down my face, it hurt. I felt a touch on my shoulder, knowing it was Eren I picked up my leg swinging it, hitting his gut. He was never fast enough to catch me. "Save it Eren. Don't ever touch me unless it's us fighting on the fighting grounds. I don't want you anywhere near me!" I yell then stormed off, crying. I was then stopped by Hange.

"Woah, Brooke.. Why are you crying!? Did shorty do something? Did he hurt you?" I shook my head, I tried talking but it only came out as a cry for help. I was hurt. "Aw sweety." She pulled me into a hug.

"E-Eren.. K-kissed me.." I finally managed to speak. "L-Levi saw.." Hange looked at me. "Would you like me to slap him straight?" I couldn't help but laugh slightly. "I'll talk to mr shorty, don't you worry. Things will work out.." I nodded, looking at Hange with a small weak smile. "Thank y-you." She nods "Now, wipe those tears. You don't want to look like this on your surprise?" I tilt my head. "Surprise?" She shook her head. "I've said to much, just go to your room and clean up." She smiled then walked past me. I guess she was going to talk to Levi and smack Eren

But, what's the surprise?

I guess that's the secret

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