Keep and Stay Strong

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Brooke's POV:

Morning came and I woke up from the sounds of footsteps passing my door. I sighed as I slowly got up to my feet. I ran a finger through my messy hair. I walked into the bathroom to take a shower. After I got up wrapping myself in a red towel. I looked into the mirror and brushed my hair getting any extra strands of blonde out of it. I smile as I got my uniform on. Most people don't like it but I did.

I walked out of the room and headed outside. I walked past the training yard and the stables to get to the mess hall. I walk in and grabbed a plate, sitting next to Armin. Across from us were Eren and Jean. I enjoyed their company, I hope they did as well towards me.

After everyone got there and about 5-7 minutes later Eren nudged me. "What is it Eren?" I spoke rather soft and confused. "Well it's brought to my attention that there are a pair of eyes looking at you." He grinned. I didn't bother to turn, I tilt my head and ask. "Who's?" Eren couldn't help but laugh slightly "Mr, Lance Corporal Levi himself." He whispered but the whole table heard. "Oh is Mr shorty getting feelings for his life long friend? How adorable." Jean said the last part in a low monotone voice. "We all knew that was going to happen sooner or later." Jean grinned at me. "W-Wha-. Hey!" I narrow my eyes at Jean. "Do they think it's weird that you hang out with us instead of them?" Armin asked. I shook my head "No, I told them I wasn't going to tolerate boredom at the three meals of the day." They laugh slightly and ate more of the fruit given to us.

Once we were all done I told all cadets to meet me in the training field to practice in 10-15 minutes. I walk outside and sat on a bench near the field. I sighed then saw Hange walk up to me, smiling. "Soooo! Why didn't you tell me about you and Mr shorty? Hmm?" I turned a light shade of pink then shook my head. "One, there's nothing going on. Two what makes you think there is?" Hange smiled brightly "Oh please! Today I caught him staring at you! And I also saw you kiss his cheek as he left your room last night. I happened to walk by." My face turned a darker pink "I.. Um.." Before I could say anything else she shook my shoulder "Aweee! Someone has a crush on the corporal!!" I looked around as I finally turned red. "Hange, sh!" That only made her laugh "Well best of luck from mee!!" She shouts happily then walked away.

Oi, Hange.

I soon see cadets all come this way. They all stopped and gave a salute. I waved them off and brought them into the field. "We are going to work on two things. Speed, and reflex." She smiled as they all gathered and went into a vertical line. "First in line, Connie." He walked up to me. "Alright, throw a punch at me." I smirk. Connie hesitated at first then went to punch my chest. I quickly grab his wrist and and twisted his arm a little causing him to tremble. "Fast. But not fast enough." He stood straight again. "Now reflexes." I quickly threw a punch and he swerved to the side causing me to miss. "Well done cadet." I smiled and told him to stand across from everyone.

"Sasha, you're next." She slowly walked towards me and I threw a punch. Being oblivious I punched her arm. "Ow!!" She yells. I rolled my eyes "You need to work on reflexes. Now throw a punch at me." I reply as she tried punching me. I swiftly moved to the right and smirked lightly "Missed me." She threw another punch and I grabbed her arm "Still not fast enough." I smiled and tossed her over to Connie.

"Eren!" Eren's eyes grew and walked over. "Come on, give it all you got titan shifter." I smirk. He threw a punch and hit my stomach. His eyes widened "Oh I'm so-." I cut him off, shrugging off the pain. "No, that was great!" I smiled then threw a punch at him. He quickly moved to the side causing me to miss. "Hm, great job Cadet Yaeger." I smiled.

After that I looked at them all and placed my hand on my hip. "Alright I'm going to tell you want Corporal wanted me to tell you." They all groan knowing it was Levi wanting them to do something they hate. "He said and I quote. Get those brats to clean the stables, if they failed to do so they must run 15 laps around the mess hall." They all sighed. "But." I smiled "I'm not following captains request." They cheered and smiled "But, you'll have to promise me it will get done by tomorrow night." They nodded their heads "Alright, moving on. We will have to practice strategy."

We all headed to the mess hall for colder space away from the heat. "Hmm.. Jean." I smile "If you hear a titain coming your way and your gear is jammed what do you do?" Jean looked around then spoke "Break off the gear and run?" I smile "Well I was looking for a smarter answer but, you could do that. If you'd like to die." Jean gulped then his his face. I smiled then looked to Mikasa. "Female titan is coming your way what do you do?" Mikasa cringed then spoke softly. "Keep going, trying to get away since we can't fight it off." I nodded "Very good."

I sighed as I let them have some free time that they wouldn't get from Levi. But I took advantage of this time training the cadets. I walked up to Levi's office and knocked. "State you're name and business." I hear a faded low tired voice come through the door. "Brooke, and I am here to ask something." I smile slightly looking to the wooden door for another responce. "Come in." I nod and open the door to see Levi with his arms crossed on the table and his head laying on top of them. "Levi?" He sighed lifting his head and arms. "Tch. Yes?" I tilt my head and kneeled down to him due to him sitting in a chair. I didn't like to be taller than him. "When's the last time you slept?" He didn't answer for a minute then shrugged. "I don't know.." He muttered out. I stood up straight then looked at him "Get up." I say sternly. "Why sh-." I stopped him "Ok, I tried being nice. Now, get your ass up." I smiled. He looked at me with his intimidating look then got up. "What now brat?" I still don't like to be called that but I'm not going to let it bother me anymore. I rolled my eyes then pulled him to the bed sitting him down. "Sleep. Now." I crossed my arms. "I still have those papers of yours to finish." He groaned. "I'll finish them. You just rest okay? One, you deserve it. Two, you need it." I smiled and grabbed the papers from his desk. When I turn around to leave I see Levi inches away from me. "Thank you." is all he said before he kissed my forehead and walked back over to the bed laying down. I soon walked out of the room closing the door gently. "What's up with the kisses lately." I mutter and thought of how I kissed his cheek. How I kissed him. How he kissed me. And how he kissed my forehead.

What the hell..

Am I having feelings, towards Levi?

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