Chapter One

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LeAnn: *appears in fashion model pose* I'm back!

Hermione: *looks up from her book* Oh good. *note sarcasm*

LeAnn: I'm soooo happy I got dares and truths! *dancing around the room*

Ron: Hay did you have chocolate without me? *assumes LeAnn had chocolate*

LeAnn: *swats Ron* Uh no I have to get ready for volleyball season!

Harry&Ron: What's Volleyball?

Phil the sound affects ferrite: dun dun dun

Hermione: Its a muggle sport

LeAnn: Thank you Hermione! Okay the first dare goes to Harry from CezzaMadMae.

Harry: Oh Merlin help me! *starts panicking*

LeAnn: Harry you have to interrupt a death meeting jump up on the tabel and sing I'm Bringing Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake.

Ron: It was nice knowing you mate. *patting Harry's shoulder*

LeAnn snaps her fingers and Harry disappears then reappears at Malfoy Manner

MoldyShorts: Potter prepare to DIE!!! ADVA- *gets cut off by Harry*

Harry: *gulps* Before you kill me theres one last thing I must say!

MoldyShorts: Oh get on with it I have a hair appointment at one.

Harry: But you don't have hair! *covers his mouth with his hands*

MoldyShorts: What I have no hair! *starts crying*

Random Death Eater: Just kill him already! *takes out his wand*

Harry: WAIT! *strips off his shirt jumps up on the table and begins to sing* IM BRINGING SEXY BACK THEM OTHER BOYS WONT KNOW HOW TO ACT!

4 horrible minutes later

Random Death Eater: *wailing in pain* MY EARS! MUMMY!!!! WHAHH

Harry: I think I broke him oh well!

Harry disappears back into some random room I haven't made a name for yet.

Harry: How'd I do? *looks around the room and everyone is wearing earmuffs*


Harry: *takes earmuffs off of LeAnn* I said how did I do?

Ron: Awful mate I've heard Snape sing better than that!

Hermione: For once in my life I AGREE with Ron. *shaking her head*

LeAnn: I prefer Country music. But you were awful!

Harry: I know *sniff*

LeAnn: Okay the next dare goes to Ron from CezzaMadMae. You have to tell Snape you love him and kiss his cheek. Now introducing Severus Snape!

Snape appears kissing a picture of Katniss Everdeen

LeAnn: Ethem *cleaning her voice loud enough to drown out the kissing sounds*

Snape: Gahhh! *hides the photo behind his back*

Ron: *runs up and kisses Snape on the cheek* Severus Snape I love you so much! I love you more than Hermione!

Hermione: WHAT!!!!

Snape: *dumbfounded*

LeAnn: Okay Ron we all know you didn't mean that. *calming a crying Hermione* Okay next dare. Introducing Draco Malfoy!

Phill the sound affects ferrite: Heehee

Draco Malfoy appears but sees Phill then tries to his behind LeAnn

LeAnn: *blushing* Hi Draco

Draco: Hello gorgeous *slicks his hair back*

LeAnn: *sad look/ I'm going to kill you look* Okay Hermione you and Draco have to kiss for twenty minutes in front of Ron.

Ron&Hermione&Draco: WHAT!!!!!

LeAnn: You have to SNOG each other for 20 minutes!

Draco: I'm not kissing a mudblood! *crossing his arms*

Hermione: And I'm not kissing a cockroach! *crossing her arms*

LeAnn: Fine you leave me no choice *presses Draco's and Hermione's heads together*

Twenty fudging minutes later

Ron: Okay twenty's minutes is up! *checking his watch*

Hermione and Draco pull apart

Hermione: I'm going to throw up now *walking into the bathroom*

Draco: I'm going to do the same. *walking into the bathroom*

LeAnn: Okay next dare. Snape you have to dress like a fairy and run through Hogsmead shouting "I'm a beautiful fairy here to grant your whishes "

Snape: But mommy! *whines and ticks off LeAnn*

LeAnn snaps her fingers and Snape appears in a sparkling pink and green skin tight fairy dress completed with acessorys and makeup then disappears into the middle of Hogsmead.

Snape: Hey I don't look to bad! *then remembers his dare* IM A BEAUTIFUL FAIRY HERE TO GRANT YOUR WHISHES! *starts running through the Three Broomsticks*

Some Random Fifth Year: Oh can I have a pony!

Snape: No you can't but you can have a detention tomorrow night

Random Fifth Year: Awwww

Snape: *running out the door but his wings catch the door and the costume comes off leaving Snape in his I Love Harry Potter boxers.* *manly scream*

Okay I'm going to put the rest of truth and dares in chapter two. This chapter is dedicated to CezzaMadMae. Thank you for your truths and dares! Oh also thank you for the ten reads three votes and six comments! Keep sending in your truths and dares!


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