"Camila, are you not comprehending what he just said? We have no family! We're fucked! Where am I supposed to go?" Lauren yelled.

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about." The detective chimed in.

"What?" I cried, "what are you gonna tell us now?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will take you all by your houses to collect some things. From now on you will be staying at St. Jude's orphanage for females."

"We're fucking staying at an orphanage?!" Lauren couldn't stop yelling. Her familiar neck vein was completely visible at this point.

"Not staying, but living." He said.

"Fuck you. I'm not staying at a fucking orphanage, you got me fucked up!" Lauren tended to curse a lot whenever she was angry. I wasn't angry, I don't know what I was feeling honestly. I felt completely lost, I felt sick, I felt emotionless.

"Alright, ma'am. You're coming with us." The policemen said in sync.

They walked towards Lauren and grabbed both of her arms and escorted her out of the office. "Camila?! Aren't you gonna help me?! I need you." Her voice began to fade as she got further from the office.

I couldn't help Lauren. I felt as if I was in a nightmare that I was soon going to wake up from. But I was in shock, I was frozen. My head was down, my hands were in my lap and tears were streaming down my eyes. My family is gone forever, and there's nothing I can do to change that.

[Lauren's POV]

"Get your hands off of me!" I yelled.

"Ma'am, we need you to cooperate with us. We understand you're in a tough situation at the moment, so we will let this slide."

"My fucking family is dead. What don't you understand?" I spat between my teeth.

"We're sorry about that, but we just need you to be calm." They said.

"Are you really sorry?" I laughed slightly. "I highly doubt it."

The two men walked out of the small room where I was being held, I was finally alone with my thoughts.

My heart was completely shattered. I wanted to break down and cry right then and there, but I don't let my emotions get to me that easily. That's the thing about me, I'm so good at hiding my emotions, it's almost impossible to break me.

But this wasn't just anything, I lost my family. The way my body felt at that exact moment was indescribable. I was numb. My body felt heavy, it was very dense. My hands were almost frozen, they felt like the joints in my fingers were in need of an oil change. They felt like prosthetic hands, not real whatsoever. All the joints throughout my body were stuck, I couldn't move. My lips were quivering, the inside of my mouth was completely dry. I felt if I was looking at myself from the outside in, I would look like a complete psychopath in a mental institution.

"Lauren?" A familiar voice asked.

My eyes were planted on my shoes and the white tile they were glued on. I wanted to move my head up, but I physically couldn't. I heard her voice. Her voice was calming, the simplicity of her voice kept me sane. I realized I couldn't hold a grudge. No matter what pain she inflicted on me, no matter what she said to me, no matter any of the circumstances, I loved her.

I loved her, not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons.

"Yes, Camila?" I asked.

I heard the sound of her old converse against the shiny floor, my head was still being pulled due to the strong gravity. So her shoes were all I managed to see coming towards me. I felt her hand come close to my face and rest under my chin.

Finding Ourselves (Camren)Where stories live. Discover now