Promotion: Black Wings. (Fantasy)

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Title: Black Wings

Author: Kai Wolf  @lupinebehaviors


Summary: "If you died tonight do you know for sure that you would go to heaven?" I stop walking. "Do you?" She repeats, stopping. I stare into her muddy hazel eyes. I shift and raise my hand to her face, brushing her auburn hair behind her ear feeling the winter air on her cheeks. " I honestly don't know," I tell her, not willing to give up the truth. The truth that I've been hiding since day one. I am from heaven. I was stripped from my wings and damned to life on earth. I was here to kill her but fell deeply in love with her. How do you tell someone that?


"I honestly don't know." He fidgets nervously in the warm light of the street lamp. His deep brown eyes seem to swallow the black of the night sky. "Are you alright?" Such an innocent answer to a harmless question, but the way he stands rigid and cold leaves me wondering if there is some reason to why, in the dead of winter, he would show up at my school absolutely set on learning what makes me tick.

Amount of votes: 11

Amount of reads:126

Amount of chapters: 3 posted so far

Reason why people should read your story: It isn't your common every day romantic fallen angel story.


Praise for; Black Wings

"This is a really exciting first chapter, and you even mastered the use of present tense. Respect omg

And even in the first chapter Archied's personality is already established

and like


why are you so good?" –Wattpad Reader

"I literally felt like crying for Olivia. How could people be so mean to her?! I love how I felt her emotions. You're really doing a great job at making your characters realistic like. Hmmmm, Ärchied gives me a bad vibe. I hope he will be nice to Olivia. Really perfect chapter, everything was really well written." -Wattpad Reader 

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