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dipshît: you're a real treat, aren't you?

liv: so i've heard..

dipshît: ...

liv: you're aware i'm not lena, right?

dipshît: mhmm

liv: then why are you still talking to me?

dipshît: why are you still talking to me?

liv: because i'm a nice person and don't ignore people. i like to finish the conversation in a polite way

dipshît: bullshît

liv: watch your language, dude

dipshît: coming from the girl who refers to me as dipshît

liv: well, i think it has a nice ring to it

dipshît: you know what has an even better ring to it?

liv: hm, how about persistent dipshît?

dipshît: no >.< ... luke

liv: okay, so luke the dipshît

dipshît: i hate you

liv: get in line, buddy

so, any thoughts so far? let me know how you're feeling about luke & liv :)

also, you guys liking she's kinda hot? i'm absolutely obsessed with it :-)

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