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It was already 8:00 PM.
I didn't leave my room nor made any sound from the inside.

8 hours of silence, 8 hours of alone time and 8 hours of planning.
My plan for the whole competition is, to kill every competitor who dare to go against me. Simple as that.

Once I win-which I will I need to do a few dirty work the king wants me to do, earn their trust and kill the King. That should be easy enough. I've killed a few royal families before so this will be a piece of cake. I hope.

There'd been a few knocks from the guards asking if I was hungry, need something or to simply ask if I was still inside the room. As a reply I knocked on the door and went on with my plan.

By 9:00 PM someone knocked on my door.
"You haven't eaten dinner." The Captain said.

Then what? You're gonna ask something stupid to make me lose my appetite again?!
No thanks.
"She hasn't gone out sir." I heard Len said outside
Someone signed. The Captain maybe.
"If she doesn't want to go out to eat, then so be it." He retreated back to the halls I assume.

Stubborn?! He made me look like a stubborn little girl!! UGH.
Oh I'll eat alright, Just not when you're around.

11:00 PM a good hour where I could eat peacefully.
I wore a thick pink pastel colored nightgown. It had long cuffed sleeves and a loose skirt that reached my ankles.

I disguised myself as an old lady again and opened the door quietly.
No guards. So much for security.
Signing, I walked down the hall and found the kitchen not much later..
It was empty. Like ghost empty.
No food either. No matter, I'll make my own.

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