"She didn't deserved you anyways." While her tone was playful, Taylor could still see the anger in her eyes; it made Taylor feel better. "You know, if anything she's the one making a mistake. She just let one hell of a girl go. You are going to be her 'one that got away.' Mark my words."

Taylor offered the actress a weak smile, even though she knew she was wrong.

They didn't touch the subject again, instead they spend the remainder of the night watching TV before they retired to bed. The singer wasn't tired given her earlier nap, but she quickly fell asleep under Dianna's soothing touches. She could get used to this.


"What is this?!" Dianna exclaimed, shock clear in her face. The blonde couldn't help but giggle at her expression. "I leave you alone for one minute and you buy a freaking cat!"

Taylor ignored the actress and focused on the white ball of fur on her lap. Admittedly, it had been a spontaneous decision but, when she saw the kitten she couldn't not buy her. How does one say no to such cuteness? "Come on, look at her! Besides, I'm pretty sure Meredith hates me now. She only wants me for my money."

"Oh, Meredith is gonna hate you more for this," Dianna said, accepting the situation for what it was. "I'm pretty sure she loves being an only child. Also, next time I have to do dry cleaning you're coming with me."

"Okay," Taylor replied, obviously not paying attention, her eyes still glued to the small kitten.

If the singer was being honest, there had been a reason behind her spontaneous purchase. While the cuteness of the cat had played a factor in her decision, she mostly wanted a distraction. Over the last couple of days Dianna had been great at keeping the singer distracted, she would tell stories of things that happened in the two years they hadn't talked. Taylor laughed along to each one, each more wild than the last. The singer would sometimes tell her own stories, most involving something her cat had done. Dianna would always be there to send the singer into sleep, and in the rare occasion that she had a nightmare, she would also be there; calming her down. That afternoon, however, the actress had left Taylor alone. It seemed the second she left Taylor's thoughts instantly went to a particular brunet. Karlie's words still haunted her, making her heart ache. The blonde hadn't realized how deep she had actually been, until after the model said those words. She hadn't known that the younger girl would have such an effect on her. Not wanting to think of Karlie, the singer left her apartment and next thing she knew, she was back with a kitten in hand.

"Have you decided what you're gonna call her?" Dianna was now sitting next to Taylor, admiring the kitten.

"Olivia Benson." The singer said without missing a beat.

"You're not only a cat lady, you are also a TV addict." Dianna said amused.

"Nope. Two cats is a party, three cats is a cat lady."

Dianna stared at Taylor's side profile for a minute, "You've thoughts about this haven't you."

Taylor couldn't help but blush and being caught. "Maybe."

Later that night both girls laid in bed facing each other talking about everything and nothing. The singer enjoyed how easily conversation flowed between the two, as if time hadn't passed. She had missed having someone to talk like this, someone who knew her better than most.

"Remember our first date?" The actress asked after a minute of silence.

A giggle escaped the singer, "I don't think I could ever forget." It really had been a memorable first date, Dianna had invited the singer to dinner at a burger place just outside the city. It felt they weren't even there for five minutes when some of their other friends came through the door, coincidently deciding to eat at the same place they had. As soon as they spotted them they sat with the pair, welcoming themselves, none of them aware that the pair were on a date, and neither girl brave enough to let them know. Instead of the cute date Dianna was hoping they would have, they had ended up on a group outing, rarely getting to chance to even talk to one another. To make matters worse, one of their friend's brother whom they hadn't met kept hitting on Taylor throughout the whole night.

"It was a completely disaster." Dianna said, covering her face in embarrassment. "I almost didn't want to talk to you after that, I was so mortified."

"We learned, though. Never go on a date somewhere your friends might find you." Both girls broke into laugher. "I liked our second date, though. I sometimes like to pretend that was actually our first date."

Dianna smiled at the memory, "I took you out to a field for a midnight picnic. Very romantic."

"I remembered it very differently," the singer replied amused, "If I remembered correctly, you had originally planned some fancy dinner for us, but forgot to get reservations. Then you got lost looking for your "shortcut" back into the city. At that point we were both starving at which point we decided to stop at some random convenient store in the middle of nowhere, we could have gotten killed!" Taylor laughed at the memory, Dianna had somehow convinced her to give her security the 'day off'. "When you came back to the car you were carrying a bag full of bagels and Pop-Tarts and two coffees. And of course you being you, forgot to fill the tank with gas and we got stranded in the middle of nowhere. Conveniently enough, that nowhere had a pretty field next to it."

The actress looked at Taylor with narrowed eyes for a second, "I like my version better."

Taylor laugh at the actress's stubbornness, "No but, you're right. It was very romantic nevertheless. It was nice to see the stars for a change."

They were both laid in comfortable silence, both relishing in the memory. However, as they both kept staring at one another Taylor noticed Dianna lean forward ever so slightly. Taylor knew that if she let it happen, this kiss would be different than the previous ones they had shared recently. It wouldn't be a drunken mistake or one shared out of pure passion; this kiss would actually mean something, it would completely change the course of their relationship. Taylor, also, wasn't stupid enough to believe that if she denied the kiss everything would be okay between them. Dianna moved forward once again, this time she moved enough that their foreheads touched.

Taylor wasn't sure of many thing at that moment, but one thing she was sure of was that she didn't want to lose the girl next to her again. With that in mind, Taylor leaned in, closing the remaining space between them. 

N/A: Didn't re-read this. Oops. Sorry for any mistakes. Also I think this is the longest chapter I've posted. Can't wait hear your feedback :). Xx.

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