Unfortunately, it has become painfully obvious how much skinnier and smaller I am than the other girls, and I often get stares because of it. No one has tried to openly bitchy to me at least, but I feel as though that will change over the years. Thankfully, I am starting to fill out with all these unnecessary feasts of food.

I have enclosed a package with some old spare copies I found of an introduction to Charms and History of Magic. I will send two at a time for the subjects, as I wouldn't want to stress the owl anymore with the weight. They are all in German, so you will just have to suck it up and improve your language. At least you don't have to learn French as well as trying to keep up with German like I am. I've had to ask Klaus multiple times how to write essays correctly in German, a struggle you won't have to face mister.

With love,


Tom had spent the last few days devouring the contents of the books, circling the areas most of interest to him with a broken pencil so that Gisela may send him more information on the particular subjects. He spent days hiding in his room only appearing for meals, with only a few school classes taking place as most days the teachers taught at the local public school, which was overflowing too much to accept the orphans in. Tom suspected it was more to do with the government not caring for educating the poor past their numbers and letters. Had he not discovered he was a Wizard, he would be expecting to be working in the factories or the docks by fourteen or join the armed forces at eighteen. He would never have belittled himself to such worthlessness though, even if Professor Klaus hadn't had come knocking. Tom understood at a very young age that the only way to survive in this world was with power, and he would stop at nothing to gain it.

The History of Magic textbook and Gisela's letter had also informed him that in the Wizarding World, there was also a power hierarchy formed by ability, wealth and, unfortunately, blood status. The matter of his parentage had always been a touchy subject, as an orphan, and while Gisela had discovered half of hers so quickly, it seems he was not so lucky. His father must have been a 'half-blood' or 'muggle-born', as his surname does not belong on the 'Sacred Twenty-Eight'. As an orphan with no history to his heritage, he would have to make up an identity that would help him climb the ladder in a world of chaos.

His hours of peace were interrupted by a loud rapping on the door, and reluctantly Tom rose from his bed to click it open. There, in all her glory, stood Amy Benson. She sneered down at him, Dennis Bishop stood quivering at her side, raising her chin to appear superior.

"Now that Billy has left, things will go back to normal. I am in charge again, and I want to remind you of your place here," she snarled.

"Oh, I am very aware of my place, Benson. I am in control, and you are the dirt under my feet," he spat back at her.

"Be careful -" she began to exclaim with rage, only to be interrupted.

"It is you that should be careful, Benson. Do you really think what happened to Billy was an accident?" he smirked, looking up at her darkly through his long eyelashes. Her smile faltered, eyes narrowing at him.

"You should know not to try any -"

"You don't get to order me around, scum," he spat, attempting to close the door but prevented by her hand shooting out.

"Would you like Dennis and me to call for the Sergeant -"


Amy gasped at the contact, being the first to receive physical revenge from Tom in a very long time. He grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling her to her knees and forcing her face up to look directly into his coal black eyes. Dennis backed away into a corner in fear, wanting to avoid the wrath that Tom had just unleashed.

"I am going to make this very clear, bitch, stay the fuck away from me, or there will be hell to pay," he seethed, "and there is nothing I love like sweet revenge. It took one stunt to have Billy knocked from his high horse, and understand that while he bothered me badly, it was only for three months. I have had to put up with your scheming for my entire life, and I will make sure you pay for it. I won't do anything now, nor anytime soon if you play your cards right, but one day when you think you are safe and happy, suddenly your joy will turn to ashes in your mouth and you will know the debt has been paid."

He threw her to the floor and slammed the door in her face, threatening to burst with magic as he thought of the insufferable girl who had caused such nuisance to him and such torment to Gisela. He knew that while Billy had to be dealt with quickly, he would have more time to plan his next endeavour carefully. He wanted to horrify that bitch and her lapdog truly and knew the orphanage was no place for his ideas without getting caught and sent to an asylum. No, he would have to wait.

News had spread throughout the children that morning that in May the following year there would be an outing to the coast, where the orphans could enjoy a day at the beach sponsored by some rich man's charity work - not that the orphans cared if it was for the man's personal gain in reputation and not at all from the heart. They would enjoy a day in nature by the beach, with all the freedoms in the world to enjoy themselves.

It was the perfect opportunity for an accident. 

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