Chapter 22

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"Looks like we've got ourselves a hunt in town." Dean stated after we spent a couple hours researching one day.

"What we got?" Sam asked


"Ok. Let's head out then." Sam suggested. I nodded.

"Ok. You ok here Miranda?" Dean asked.

"Yeah. I'll be fine. Just be safe."

"We will." Sam answered for him before giving me a kiss and heading out.

~Dean's POV~
We walked into the abandoned building. There were so many of them. I had a feeling I would get hurt. We were so far outnumbered that I wondered if we would make it out alive. We fought and fought and we were winning. It was down to us and a couple demons. I killed mine with ease. Sammy however wasn't so lucky.

As I was fighting my demon, I saw the demon had knocked his blade from his hand. He tried to fight it. He threw some punches and kicks but was unable to faze the demon. The demon punched him over and over in the face as he laid on the ground. Sammy turned over and tried to get up to attack the demon again, but the demon took its blade and stabbed him in the lower back. As soon as I killed my demon, I ran up behind the one attacking Sam, and stabbed it in the back, but not before it threw one last punch putting Sam on the verge of unconsciousness.

"Sam!" I shouted.

"Dean." He muttered back. My arm was sprained and my other arm still had the cast. I helped Sam walk to the impala where he passed out temporarily. He woke up once we got back, and made it to the door before collapsing again.

~Miranda's POV~

I sat around waiting for them, but it got to be late. They had been gone for nearly 4 hours, and it was about 1 in the morning. I headed to bed. Ethan was asleep, and I just crawled into bed. I was asleep when I heard Dean.

"Miranda!!!!" He shouted loudly. I got up and ran out to the main room.

"Dean? What's wrong?"

"It's Sam. I need help." Dean had a limp himself and his unbroken arm seemed to be sprained. I ran up the stairs to see Sam passed out at the door. He looked really bad.

"Dean, how am I gonna get him downstairs? You can't hardly move. He's so much taller, I don't know how to help him downstairs without having him fall flat on his face."

"I can help as much as I can. I know you can't carry him."

I picked him up as much as I could and Dean helped me hold up his back. Somehow we made it down the stairs. We took him to my old room and laid him on the bed.

"You ok Miranda?" He asked

"I think so." I said before looking at my hands. They were covered in blood. "Dean?" He picked up on what I noticed.

"He got stabbed in the lower back."

"Help me roll him onto his side." Dean helped me and we rolled Sam to his side. I got a washcloth and cleaned it. It was surprisingly not super deep, but long. "I don't know how, but whoever or whatever stabbed him didn't stab deep. It was just a big gash. I can fix this."

"You can?" Dean asked, astonished.

"Yeah. Do you have a first aid kit?"

"Yeah. In the medicine cabinet." I went to get it and heard Ethan crying. I went back to Sam.

"Dean, can you go get Ethan? He's crying. I know you're hurt, but I gotta do this fast."

"Yeah. Work on him. I'll go calm him down." He said and left. I put the stitches in quickly and precisely. He wasn't bleeding anymore. I put some gauze over the stitches and used medical tape to keep it on. He had some bad bruising on his face and was still unconscious. I got some ice from the freezer, put it in a bag, and held it on his face where he was bruised. He had a bit of a fever from swelling around where he was stabbed. I was hoping the ice would bring that down too. Suddenly I get a text on my phone.

'Hey, he just won't calm down. Can I bring him in there or does Sam look too bad?' Dean asked

'Yeah. Go ahead.' Dean came in with Ethan who was bawling his eyes out on Dean's shoulder. He handed him to me.

"How's your arm Dean?" I asked as I tried to calm Ethan down.

"Sprained. It hurts really bad."

"Come on. We'll go get Sam's sling." I said as I set the ice down. He was still asleep and the swelling and fever were going down, so it was ok to leave him for a minute.

We went to my room and I grabbed the sling. I helped Dean put the sling on, and it helped his pain significantly. "Dean, why don't you go to bed? I can be with Sam."

"I can stay up. You've been through a lot lately."

"Seriously Dean. Go to bed. It's ok. You just got back from a hunt and you're hurt. You should get what sleep you can."

"Ok. Text me if you need me."

"Ok. Goodnight." I went back to Sam. His fever went down all the way so I decided to lay off the ice for a while. I pulled the covers onto him. I couldn't help but be worried as I looked at his face. He looked like he was in so much pain. I didn't know if he would wake up. I hoped he would. I sat there for hours, my hand in his, and Ethan asleep in my other arm. I got up at 3am and took Ethan back to bed when he fell asleep. Dean walked past the room, probably on his way to get something to drink.

"Hey," he said peeking his head in.

"Hey." I whispered back.

"You should go get some sleep."

"I can't leave him."

"I'll stay. Just get some sleep."

" You need your sleep too. You need it more than me. Please Dean. Just let me stay. I need to be here for him." He nodded. A couple minutes later he returned with a blanket. He placed it around my shoulders. I was in a t-shirt and shorts. I was cold but didn't realize until he gave me the blanket.

"He'll be ok. Don't worry." Dean said quietly. I nodded. I stayed there next to Sam just running my fingers through his hair. I desperately wanted him to wake up. I stayed there and just thought.

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