When You Scare Him

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You and Alice were in the hall, peeking over to Slender who was sitting his his chair. You then put some blood on Alice's face and, since you were an amazing artist, you drew alot of bruises and stuff. "Ok Alice, do what we practiced ok?" You whispered while she giggled and nodded her head. You smiled and told her to go. You watched everything from the hall. "Dad! Dad! I got hurt!" She yelled running up to him. He put down his book and looked at Alice then jumped and screamed like a girl. Alice and you couldn't hold it in and started to laugh. Slender then calmed down then looked behind him, only to see you dying on the floor of laughter from his scream...he didn't find it so funny though and gave you AND Alice the silent treatment for a couple of hours.

Jeff the Killer
You were in the room waiting while Jeff took a shower. You had an idea and smirked. After a couple of minutes Jeff walks put drying his hair. "Hey ba-Oh my God, (y/n)!" You were at the window "about to jump." "Goodbye Jeff." You then jump out the window and Jeff runs to it, only to see that you had been caught by Slender, who both were laughing.

Ben was playing a game while you making him a sandwich. You could hear Ben hiccup and you got an idea how to stop them. "Aaaahhhhhhh dammit son of a bitch!" You yelled while holding your finger. Not even a second went by and Ben came running in. "(Y/n)! Are you ok what happened?!" You began to laugh and look at him. Are your hiccups gone. He just looked at you with narrowed eyes then walked back to his game. (Actually happened with mom and me XD)

Laughing Lack-in-the-box
You and L.J were at his carnival seeing who can put the most candy in there mouth. Well L.J lost along time ago but you kept going. You then got a idea and pretend to choke. L.J grabbed your face (XD) and began to pull candy out really fast. You then spit out the candy in laughter. L.J didn't find it funny though, and was going to get you back.

Ticci Toby
"Toby!" Toby came running in to find Jeff holding a knife to your throat. Toby then punched Jeff. "Ow man, it was a joke!" Toby looked at you, while you just stared at him. He didn't he would punch Jeff. Toby then walked out, about and hour later he forgave you and you two had a make out session XD.

You were going to scare offender until he yelled from the couch in front of you. "I can read mines (y/n), just remember that!" He began to snicker and you stomped your foot. "Your no fun."

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