When They Are 6

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Your child was so full of energy and loved nature. She had Blonde hair and white skin like Slender's. She had your eyes too. "Daddy! Daddy! I saw a frog and a kitty and lizard and a this really big twee." She held her hands as far as she reach them ar wide angel. Slender smiled. "What else did you see?" She patted her head and thought. "Oh oh oh I also saw this bird that was a monster bird. He had huge wings and big teeth." You and slender both chuckled. She was such a dreamer and a daddy's girl. "Why don't you go show me this monster bird you keep talking about." She smiled at slender and pulled his hand and told him to hurry. Slender loved her to death and you did too.

Jeff the Killer
"Mommy! Mommy! Look what I have." You gasped as Issac had a knife in his hand. "Don't ever touch these! These are bad." He had Jeff's black hair and eyes while he had your smile and nose. "I'm sorry mommy." He looked down upset. You looked at him and hugged him. "I'm sorry for yelling, I just don't want anything to happen to you that's all. Now don't do it again ok?" He nodded and smiled and hugged you. He then ran off and came back running in with another knife. "Look what daddy gave me." You looked at him then yelled. "Jeffery!!!"

You heard a lot of giggling from your son. You went in the living room to see Ben and Nick playing a little kids game. Nick had Bens hair and he had your eyes. He didnt like link either which was a score for Ben. Ben didn't seem like he cared he was playing a game designed for little kids. You smiled and watched them for a little while then came in and gave Ben a kiss. "Ewwwww." Nick said with a nasty face. You two giggled. You walked out and went to make your two gamer boys a snack.

Laughing Jack
"Daddy, I want some candy." L.J handed Isabelle some candy. She had black hair and wore purple and black. She had a big purple bow on the back of her head and loved her daddy. "L.J no don't-" it was to late. She already was on a Sugar rush and you glared at L.J. "What?" "I already told her no candy before bed time...now you try to put her to bed." After that night L.J never gave her candy before bed again.

Ticci Toby
"Mommy can we have waffles?" You smiled at your kids and said sure. Natasha had brown hair like Toby and Avery had your color hair. Natasha always liked her hair in a pony and Avery liked his like Toby's hair. Avery followed in Toby's footsteps and Natasha followed in your footsteps. You handed them there waffles and they dug in.

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