You Give Birth To A Healthy Baby

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You screamed and held Slender's hand while him saying to push. The pain was so horible. Slender was in his human form and was moving his fingers so they wouldn't go numb from you squeezing them. "One more push, (y/n)." You gave all you could and pushed one more and heard the baby cry. You smiled when he held it to show you. "It's a beautiful baby girl." You smiled and Slender's face lit up. The doctor let you hold the baby and you started to cry. "I have an idea for a name my love." You looked at slender. "What is it?" He smiled and took the baby. "Alice." You smiled and said that was a great name.

Jeff the Killer
You held Jeff human hand while he was about to collapse from the pain you were putting from his hand. After you pushed one more time you heard the baby cry. You realesed his hand and he blew a breath. "Thank God, I thought you were going to pull my hand off." You smiled and held the baby. A handsome baby boy. He smiled and said you could pick the name. You smiled and said the name Issac. He smiled and nodded his head. "Issac it is."

"One more push." Dr. Smiley said and you gave all the energy your body had left. You smiled when you heard the loud baby cry. "It's a boy!" Ben yelled yes and went to tell everyone. You laughed while he handed you the baby. You looked at the baby and smiled. "Hmmmm, how about Nick...I like that name." Nick smiled when you said his name and you giggled.

Laughing Jack
You had a C cetion with your baby because you were having problems with something. It worried you until you woke up and L.J was holding the baby. It was in a pink blanket and you knew it was a girl. You smiled and held your arms out. "It's s beautiful healthy girl, gumdrop. What should we call her?" You were still groggy but you had the perfect name. "How about Isabelle." L.J smiled his toothy grin snd agreed on Isabelle.

Ticci Toby
"Toby, what should we call Them?" You had a twin boy and a twin girl and was happy. "Let's name the girl Natasha and the boy Avery." You smiled and nodded head. This was the most tiring day ever....but it was worth it.

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