"So like I was thinking we could get you some clothes first? Or a jacket. Are you cold? You look kind of cold. Oh and also I need to stop by the grocery store, maybe run by the bank too. But if you're too cold for that we can do it another day. Geez, you look kind of cold y'know—"

"God, Liv, calm the fuck down. I'm fine. Just maybe we could get some coffee first yeah?"

"Oh of course." Olivia bites her bottom lip and swallows another comment about how cold it is. She pulls her raincoat closer to her body, straightens her posture and starts off in the direction of the closest café.

It's empty when they get there, only the sound of the steady patter of rain and the ding of the door as they enter the café. The smell of stale coffee makes Charlie's skin prickle with anticipation, fingers fiddling with the oversized sleeves of her sweatshirt.

"Be with you in a moment," a deep voice calls from the back room. There's a loud thud followed by a string of curses and a lanky limbed figure stumbles through the doorway.

"Hello and welcome to The Bean. I'm Harry; how may I be of service to you today?"

He towers over them even from across the counter flashing this obnoxious dimpled smile, unruly hair sticking out from under a hair net which seemed altogether pointless to Charlie. He's wearing these blackwashed skinny jeans that look practically painted on, a flower printed button up shirt with only one of the buttons actually fastened, and a nametag that said 'Hello my name is Trouble' as if his humor hadn't matured past age seven. And Charlie's first thought is that he's a homeless cross dresser.

"Err Yea, I want a large black Americano with an extra shot. How about you Liv?" And Olivia is still stuck on his eyes.

They were green. The kind of green that pushed its way through the gritty snow to remind you that spring was just around the corner. They held this sense of mystery etched into specks of grey, like the color of the ocean during a storm when the waves are churning and the foam is flying in the air and the lighting streaks the sky. His dimples looked deeper than the Grand Canyon, and his hair—God, she didn't think she's ever seen a prettier boy before.

"Mmhmm yeah," she mumbles unintelligently, tongue feeling heavy in her mouth. Charlie feels her blood begin to boil, rolls her eyes and elbows her friend hard in the side.

"Ow," Olivia snaps out of her daze, subtly wipes the drool from the corner of her mouth and leans over the counter exposing a fair bit of cleavage. "Umm do you have any Earl Grey tea?"

The boy gives her a blank look, scratches the back of his neck and blinks at her. "Uh we might have some gray food coloring?" He offers meekly causing Olivia to burst into unnecessarily loud laughter.

"Excuse me," Charlie cuts her off, eyeing the Barista pointedly, "But are you a girl or a boy?"

"Oh my god, Charlie!" Olivia hisses, eyes widening and cheeks flaming. "I'm so sorry for my friend. She's a little...rough around the edges."

"Don't worry about it, Lovely," he winks at her then turns his attention to the brooding girl. "It's good to see you again Charlie, and sober this time. What a treat," He smirks at her confused expression.

"Oh you two know each other?" Olivia interjects, disappointment clear in her voice.

"We spent a night together a little while back—"

"Well you must not have been any good because I sure as shit don't remember you—"

"Oh please you think we hooked up? I'm not one to go for sloppy drunks, babe. I've got a little more class than that."

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