Chapter 7- Hive Five

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A/N: I will be Quoting the episide were the kid flash enters the Teen Titans and meets Jinx and the Hive Five, but I'm tweaking it to fit the story.


Chapter 7

"Ah crap you're the crazy witch with the bad luck powers," Gizmo said. "The name's Jinx," I said. He started laughing hysterically. "Oh right the hero gone bad. Wait 'til the guys hear this," he said. "You tell anyone about me and I will kill you," I said towering over him. "Woah woah woah if you're gonna kill me at least let me bring this crap to the Hive Five first Madam Rouge scares me a hell of a lot more than you do," he stated. Madam Rouge? I can finally get close enough to kill her. "Madam Rouge... What's the Hive Five," I asked curiously. "Like young Justice and Teen Titans, but instead we're villains," he said in a 'duh' tone. "I want in," I stated.

He started laughing and I crossed my arms when he said, "Oh you're being serious?" I nodded slightly. "I don't have a choice do I," he asked. "Nope," I said. He sighed in defeat saying, "C'mon goody two shoes." I shot him a glare, but followed anyways and we got there after a 30 minute walk of him asking questions and me not answering.

I was introduced to a few other people. There were twins Deuce and op not twins same person just duplicated anyways he's in red spandex but unlike the Flash theirs was bright fucking red not a deep scarlet. There was a really tall buff ass dude named Mammoth; who had super strength and guy named Seymore (See- more) who had one eye and had a green and white suit with a helmet that converted to a mask that was the same green, It had a dial on the side; Then there was Kid Wicked, he looked like Batman if Batman was a vampire.

"Hey I head the Flash was lookin' for you," Seymore said. "Yeah, so," I replied. "So Madam Rouge has been tryin' to get him in captivity for a few months now this could be what we need to get in the big leagues," Seymore said. Kid Wicked shrugged and Deuce agreed. "Fine, but if we go after the Flash you have to listen to me got it," I said. "Why," Deuce asked. "I used to work with him. I know how he ticks," I said taking off the hat and it evaporated into thin air. "Fine," Gizmo said. "Fantasic. I'll bait him in by robbing a museum," I said. "Go big or go home I guess," Deuce said.

I suited up and it was now midnight as I telported in the museum after Gizmo turned off the alarm system. I neared the podium when Barry's voice said, "Need a little luck?" I scoffed rolling my eyes. "Like you would know anything about luck," I replied. He was silent for a second before asking, "Why do you hang around with those losers now? That team of yours is only holding you back," he said. "I knoow that's what I keep telling m-," I cut myself off asking, "What do you know?" "I know that you're too smart for all of this," he said. "Ohhh is this the part where you try to convert me. Make me see the error of my ways," I asked sarcastically adding, "You're waisting your time." "When You're as fast as me time is something you got a lot of," he said hopefully. "It's too late for me anyways," I said turning back around. "It's never too late," he added. "What about the Hive Five, they'd come after me," I asked. "Let me worry about that," he offered supressing a smile and added holding his hand out towards me, "Trust me." I looked at his hand and took my own out hovering it above his as I looked into his eyes acting like I was considering it.

"On second thought," I said with a smirk, "Nah." I sent a jinx wave and he fell on his ass suprised. The Hive Five got here just in time and surrounded him. "For someone so fast, you're actually pretty slow," I said with a smirk. He started running and tried to fight his way out but Kid Wicked stalled him enough and he got away from Kid Wicked only to fall in Deuce's trap of an endless maze of doubles. He couldn't out run Deuce, but eventually Deuce ran out of doubles and Barry got out on the other side. I picked up the wet floor sign as Mammoth was now fighting him and I walked out of the way as Barry ran and slid in the water. "Oops I guess I shouldn't have moved this," I said holding up the closed Wet Floor sign an whacked Barry upside the head with it knocking him out cold. I put power restraining cuffs on him and we brought him back to the tower putting him in a cage.

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