Chapter 2

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Ivy's POV

   I stare at Tony, (who is staring at me) trieing to read his expression. He looks astonished for a second, but he quickly recovers. He then looks at me like he is inspecting me.

  "Well," he mutters, "we do have a lot of simularities."

  "I would hope so, I am your daughter," I tell him.

  "We don't know that for sure," he argues, "a DNA test well tell me if you are." "I have to go make a call so stay right here.

  I sigh as I sit on one of the three couches in the living room. I wonder who he is going to call. Right after that thought had crossed my mind I get a text. It's from Tony.

From: Tony

Meet me on the 16th floor. We are going to start the DNA testing.

I know he isn't expecting a reply but I text one anyway.

From: Ivy

Coming your way right now. You better not be surprised when I turn out to be your daughter.

From: Tony

Want to bet 50 dollars your not? Because I'm pretty sure you don't want to lose the opratunity to earn some money.

From: Ivy

Hell yes, I'm in! You better be ready to hand over my money.

From: Tony

Ya what ever just hurry up and get your butt down here.

From: Ivy

Of course, my king.


  When I get to the 16th floor I see Tony, and another man,(that looks strangely fimiler) standing there chatting. They see me and stop talking. Tony steps towards me and says "Ivy I would like you to meet Bruce Banner."

  "The Bruce Banner," I ask in excitement, "the man who can transform into the other guy, the man who is a genius in science!

  "Th-that would be me," he stammered, as if he could not believe I had said those things about him.

   Tony whispers, "She gave you a better gretting then me, and I'm the one who's suppose to be her father,"

  As soon as that sentence leaves his mouth I hit his arm. He gives me a what-did-I-do look.

  I explain, "I don't faver him over you it's just he is smarter then you,"

  Tony tries to give a comeback but Bruce interups him before he can.

  "I don't even think I need to do a DNA test," Bruce begens, "I can already tell she is your daughter."


  I was right, he is my father. That is why I have a new fifty dollar bill in my purse.
Even if I don't really like the idea of Tony being my father, at least I got some money out of it.

  Right after he handed me my money, he instructed Jarvis to guide me to my room. So here I am. Just checking my Instugram. When I get a text from Tony saying, meet me in the living room, I have some people you might want to meet. I wonder who he wants me to meet? I walk into the living room, and standing there is the Avengers!
They don't notice me yet. They are to busy fighting with each other. Well I like all the attention on me so I scream OMG its Ultron! I have never seen so many heads turn around so fast. I smirk. "Now that I have ur attention my name is Ivy, and I know every single one of you."

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