Chapter Five

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Kiera was forced deeper into the cave, and she glimpsed tunnels running off in several directions from the main cavern. She'd seen a part of the underground tunnel network when she awoke the planet before A'Ran blew up its surface. Each tunnel was small and lit by weak lighting. They passed several before her captor turned down one.

Unable to imagine what was going on, Kiera concentrated on not tripping over her feet on the rocky terrain. The tunnel ended at a cavern far better lit than the cave they'd landed in.

The Yirkin escorted her to the end of the tunnel to a shallow cliff overlooking the cavern the size of a city below. Thousands – perhaps tens of thousands – of people were located in the cavern, walking along makeshift roads running among shelters built out of anything that could be salvaged: metal, rocks, clothing. The people were gaunt and pale, most with blond or white hair, and dressed in clothing that had seen better days. Clusters of housing were located around personal spacecraft marked sloppily with the sign for medics.

He released her. She didn't move, slowly taking in the scene.

"This is what remains of the Yirkins who lived on Anshan for fifteen cycles. Those we could save," came the bitter words.

"You're refugees," she murmured.

She studied his scarred face, uncertain what to think. The Yirkin had invaded Anshan and stolen it from A'Ran. Most of the people below, however, appeared to be women, children and the elderly. She saw few men among them and even fewer men of warrior age.

She hadn't thought much about those on the ground as the battle commander. She assumed everyone present was a combatant.

"Do you want revenge against me?" she whispered.

"Revenge?" he echoed.

"Against the dhjan."

"At one point, I did," he answered deliberately. "But I want now to save what's left of my people."

"You're trapped."

"The Five Galaxies expelled the rest of our people, and the magnetic storms in the Anshan atmosphere prevents us from calling for help, even if we could build long range communications."

"I don't understand." She faced him. "You left to get me."

"We used the scrap metal from dozens of ships to create a single working craft," he replied. "It was too small to evacuate anyone, so we did the next best thing. We came for you."

"You know what A'Ran did to get his planet back. What makes you think he'll let any of you live for taking me? He doesn't really negotiate in hostage situations."

"You are not here to negotiate." The man scoffed. "And you are not a hostage. You are on your own planet, the planet you are connected to. You belong here."

He's not wrong. She feared voicing the words and stood in silence, pulse racing.

He spun and started down the slope towards the base of the cavern.

She released the breath she'd been holding and glanced back. Evey wasn't behind her, and Kiera craned her neck to see past the massive Yirkin guard between her and the tunnel. He nodded his head towards the Yirkin leader.

She went reluctantly.

The scarred leader with mismatched eyes wound through the refugees. Kiera trailed, more worried about her reception here than she had been in the Qatwali banquet hall. Instead of glares, the Yirkin watched with guarded curiosity and moved out of her path. Most stopped what they were doing to whisper amongst themselves.

Kiera's Sun (#2, Anshan Saga)Where stories live. Discover now