This Aint A Scene-Chapter 5

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"Mikey sweetie are you okay?" Michaels mum was careful and gentle, not tredding to heavy in her footsteps. "Mikey? Sweetie are you sure you are okay? Mikey if you want we can call Lee! I'm sure she will sort you out!!" At the mention of Lee's name Michael stiffled a sob and held back tears, but too late. His mother noticed. "Michael Gordon Clifford you tell me what is wrong this instance" Michael couldn't bring himself to admit, but its his mum. He couldn't lie to her. "I screwed up mum, i-i messed it with Lee and I don't think I owe her forgiveness" Michael finally broke. The weight of losing his best friend came bearing down on his shoulders . "aw Mikey I'm sure you'll be better in no time, you guys are as thick as theives, I couldn't bare to see you apart" Michaels mother cooed but deep down she truely had no idea what to say to her son. He was hurting, and that's what was hurting her.

6 years. 6 years without Lee. It was my fault. I fell in with the wrong crowd. It was guys called Eric and Max, those assholes. They were nice at first but then they would get in trouble in the wrong places and it was getting harder and harder to keep myself out of trouble. Then they brought in Lee. They manipulated her and made a fool out of her, they bullied her along with making her life a living hell. They did the most mean things too her while I stood and watched, just to keep a stupid secret. A stupid secret that I tried numerous times to admit. I told them to stop after a few days but they wouldn't listen, so I pulled out. Pulled out of their friendship and left them alone completely. But because of that, they didn't leave Lee alone. They tormented her and made her life worse. It was revolting. When I confronted the school, they made the bullying stop but it made the guilt in my stomach bubble. I had to tell her. And so I did. This caused me and Lee to fight, fight so bad I'm surprised we didn't hurt eachother. The worst part of the fight was what Lee said.
"Goodbye Michael Gordon Clifford"
That was the last I had heard from Lee. Two weeks later she moved back to Ireland. I tried so hard to contact her, but I guess she changed everything. Then I met the boys. Luke first, then Cal and then Ash. They know who Lee is and they know what happened, and truthfully I owe a lot to them. They helped try and contact her, but sadly we gave up hope. It makes me sad that I may never hear from Lee again.

Sighing I decided to log onto Twitter, to get my mind off things. There was nothing new except a few disgusting facts and fan follows. I tweeted ' @Michael5SOS I'm in a band with my 3 brothers and tbh I owe them alot' a couple thousand retweets and replies that at this moment in time I am not bothered to look at. Its not that the fans are annoying no I love them so much, its just at the moment my head ain't screwed on well and I'm having trouble cooperating with myself. "That's because you miss her" said a voice somewhere in the back of my head. But why? How come after 6 years I'm missing her the most now? "Because you are getting close to your destination" what destination? Where I will meet Lee? But why? Why now after all this time? "Because she misses you too, and you are finally compatible with one another, you are finally the moon and the sun" what? I'm so confused. But that voice? That voice is mine. Is that my consciene?.

Shaking my head to rid the thoughts, I scrolled through the Dm list, my finger hovering over @leeeedontcare why not talk to a girl, about girly feelings. I'm sure she could help.

M: hey :) could you give me advice?
I waited for a reply, seeing as though she is online because she retweeted a few minutes ago. Don't worry I'm not a stalker.

L: sure, what can I help you with?

Finally someone to help me....
Plus if it goes well I can always try and meet her at the show, to thank her personally.

M: its about a girl, she was my best friend and I honestly screwed up with her. I tried my hardest to keep her safe and it just back fired. She meant so much to me that I couldn't bare to let her go... I don't know if she would forgive me its been six years and I can never contact her no matter how hard I try, its just I want to shake it from my head that it would be okay....

I re-read the paragraph and hoped that it sounded okay, from my angle it did but from a different persons point of view it could be a whole different story.

L: I guess if you tell me about her I can try to answer truthfully my honest opinion. x

Here it goes. Let's tell a celebrity stranger about my best friend.

M: she's indescribable..... Her name is Amelia but we called her Lee sort of like your name ha-ha, she was punk and wouldn't admit being punk because it wasn't 'punk rock', she cared for others and took the world in her hand. She seen the world differently and in a different artistic view, she's beautiful but she used to say beauty is a was like I was on drugs being with her, she was my sky high.

I poured my heart out into the paragraph. If only I was pouring it out to Lee....

L:I think she would forgive you, because how you describe her I guess you've been through alot together and that there is no point wasting it. It shows that you obviously care enough about one another that you wouldn't want to let eachother go. I know for definite that she forgives you and that maybe you are coming close to one another again....

I guess she's right and damn has she made me feel better.

M: thanks alot Lee

I really really appreciate it.

L: your welcome Michael but if you had one thing to say to Amelia what would you say?

What would I say?

M:I'm sorry and I miss you.......

******(Lee's Pov)********
I'm sorry and I miss you too Michael. I'm so sorry and I miss you so fucking much. 6 years has been alot and omfg I need you because
Your all I ever need.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2015 ⏰

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