Kick Me-Chapter 3

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"Lee I have a confession to make" Michael gulped, nervousness was clear in his posture. "What is it Mikey?" Amelia giggled trying to shift and drown out the tentaviness in her throat and the nerves in her stomach, hoping to God her friend was okay.
"I think that I like y- I like how silly you are ha-ha gotch ya" "MICHAEL!!!" "AMELIA!!!" both children laughed at how formal they sound when calling each other by their proper names and not the nicknmaes they have grown to love. Michael laughed to hide his embarrassment and to try and convince the stupid joke was the truth and that there was nothing else. Amelia laughed to hide her curiousity and acted on belief of what Michael had said, but knew deep down there was more to that sentence. Both children laughed at the words they could not explain.

*****(Luke's Pov)********
Mikey has been staring at his phone for a good 3 hours now, and to be honest he hasn't stopped smiling the whole time. What's up with him? Honestly me and the boys are kinda worried, because he isn't in his man cave and he isn't looking for food. That's what's making us kinda confused? "Mikey man, what are you doing?" Cal was tentative approaching Mikey as if he were a kitten. "Uh-HUh?" Mikey looked up for the first time in 3 hours and I was surprised, he had a smile playing on his lips and his eyes were glistening. Something was definitely up? "Mikey are you talking to someone? I bet it's Kayla Ohhh Mikey's talking to his girlfriend!!!" Way to go Ashton get straight to the point. But Kayla she's super nice, but lately she's been distant and stopped talking to all of us, its kinda weird. "No, I found this account on twitter and they are really interesting but really weird at the same time" I guess it doesn't bother Mikey because he still has a smile on his face. Deciding to cooperate in the conversation and not be the awkward penguin that I am, I responded "well go on then, let's see the account!!" Mikey obliged and turned his phone away from his face and towards us for the first time today. There on the screen was a twitter account with the username @leeeedontcare, she looked familiar and judging by Cals response he recognized her too. "Hey isn't that Lee Wayde, the youtuber and guitarist from Dauntless?" it could be, because Lee always changes her twitter account and dyes her hair. "We could find out, but be nice about it, don't be creepy" Ashton being the motherly type that he is. I guess it wouldn't hurt for us to ask .

******(Michaels Pov)********
Why did I agree to Dm her? Especially with the boys around me? Sometimes I'm stupid, but aw well. I really hope its Lee Wayde because the boys and myself are big fans, but sometimes she is hard to locate with the dying of her hair and the change of usernames. After debating on what to say for a good ten minutes, we decided on saying:
M: Hey, is this Lee Wayde?
I wasn't hoping for a reply because she was online 4 hours ago, with her last tweet being she was going on a road trip. But surprisingly she was online, because she replied:
L: yep that's me :p are you a fan?
Be polite micheal and of course Ashton had to go say "Be polite Michael".
M: yep me and the boys are big fans, we can't believe it's you as you are so hard to find with all the username changes and hair dying, like your new hair BTW.
I hope that was polite enough. Its not usually that I have the boys staring over my shoulder.
L: I could say the same about you Clifford ;) but yeah I like to keep anonymous its weird, BTW coming to your dublin show x PS. I have to go need to make Alfie some cereal byee
" OH MY GOSH LEE WAYDE IS COMING TO OUR SHOW" I don't know who said that, but I don't actually care. Before I know it I was absentmindedly answering
M: okay bye :( but that's good :) talk soon?
I hope I didn't sound rude....
L: sure x g2g byeeee
I guess we will be talking more to Lee Wayde, but of course the boys would be to because they all screamed, "WE NOW KNOW HER TWITTER WOOO" but ashton being mother hen "GUYS DO NOT BOTHER HER THINK OF IT LIKE IT WAS US" he's right. That's over and done with let's go get pizza.

******(Lee's PoV)***********
I don't even know what Alfie said. I handed him my phone to reply, because I frooze up when the Dm came through. I do hope he wasn't dirty minded or inappropriate, because if he was he will be soo getting hit. "Alfie what did you say?" No reply. "Alfie" no reply. "ALFIEEEE!!!!" No reply. Except for what we call his mischevious giggle. I guess whatever he said, ill check later. I hope it's not like, oh sure we can talk again because I couldn't handle that. Or could I? Its like I want to get close to him again, because of all the times we spent together, but then again the things he called me I guess I could keep him away for the rest of my life. Yes that's what I'll do, I'll keep him away because I've been the best i can be without him, and nothings going to change that. Well it all depends on what Alfie said, please be good for my benefit. I just want the ground to swallow me up or someone to kick me down and out, and let me stay there for a while. Alfie this better be for my benefit, or so help me your getting shot.

*the band is named dauntless because that's my faction and we all need a little bit of divergent in our lives (no hate love y'all ) *

All I Ever NeedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora