Daytripping and Cold Coffee-Chapter 1

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'Michael Clifford how could you ever forget me? I'm the best damn thing you'll never have! Good luck with your 'new' friends, seemingly that you don't have me anymore!' Amelia seethed with anger, her fists clutched and cheeks puffed. "What's that supposed to mean?" Michael rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, anticipating his friends answer. "It means Goodbye, Goodbye Michael Gordon Clifford" Amelia stood her ground, turned and held her head high. Walking away from the distasteful past and towards her bright melodic future. Michael slumped and stared, his heart breaking at the sight of Lee being like a star, no matter how hard he tries he will never reach her.

**********(Lee's Pov)*******
"Im not okay, I'm not okay you wear me ou-" groaning and grumbling I slammed the alarm clock and glanced at the time. 09:55 it read. Sighing I pulled myself out of bed and waddled down the stairs of my 2 story apartment. It was cold outside, frost forming on the windows and a sudden chill in the air, also it was busy the slight hum of donegal traffic audible in the four walls. "She sets up high surrounded by the su-" My phone, my ringtone. Wait my phone someones calling. "Yo its the real slim shady whos calling?" 'Its the FBI I was wondering have you killed anyone? If so-its Alfie' giggling at his stupidity I responded "what do you want?" ' we are going on an adventure, pick you up in 20' "okay? okay" 'the fault in our phone calls' "byeeeeeeee" 'byeeeeee' let's get ready shit done. I took a shower. Forever smelling like limes and coconuts. Firstly doing makeup shit,then getting dressed into underwear, ACDC shirt, skinny jeans and my black doc martens I headed out the door, Where the hell are the guys? Wait here they come in a pick up truck, wait my pick up truck. Asshats. Opening the door I was greeted by a waft of coffee and cigartess. Mhmmm coffeeeee....
"Did you guys get coffee?" 'Yep here you go' Xavier handed me a coffee tray also with sour patch kids. These guys know me so well. "What are we doing?" 'Road tripping daytripping what ever you want to call it' "fine by me" I smiled and held the coffee no heat radiated from it , meaning it is cold, my favourite. I logged on twitter, my timeline and mentions and dms hectic judging by the amount of followers I have. Snapping a picture of the boys I tweeted ' @leeeedontcare road tripping with my boys @alfiemonkeyss @xaviersaurusrex @tacotony pic/twitter.vxysm' I smiled leaning back into the chair and enjoyed the slight hum of green day from the radio and the chatter of my pre-pubescent girls. This is my fam.

*************(Michaels POV)**********

While waiting on the boys, I logged onto my twitter and followed a few fans, retweeted a few funny posts and the checked my timeline. Not much action except for a few fans, retweeting someone called @leeeedontcare I was curious so I decided to stalk her account. I learned that she is a youtuber and she is in a band. Clicking on her profile picture, I was shocked she has tattoos and jet black hair with silvery white highlights, pale skin but enhanced engraved features. She looked immortal but fucking beautiful. Some may say, beauty is a trap, comparing to her its a trap I'm willing to fall in . I followed her, and scrolled through her tweets entrguied by her. She was definitely something, how do I put it she is indescribable and vaguely familiar looking .

(Twitter ares not real, thought of them of the top of my head)
Michael Gordon Clifford FanFiction
Issued 2015

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