Confusing Point in Time

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Summer's over and the school year has started again.
"Luchia! I'm going to go to the store and buy school supplies!" I said.
"Ok. You don't have to shout. I'm right here, and I'm your mother. Why don't you call me "mom"?"
"You want the truth? Even though it hurts for me to say?"
"Tell me everything. I can handle it."
"You don't seem like an actual mother to me. You always care for Kaito and other people more than me. Since I live forever I don't seem to get enough motherly attention. I don't even get attention from Kaito! And for heavens sake. You guys are my parents!!!" My tears are controlling themselves. I didn't want to cry, that makes me feel weak. " I'm going now. And I'm going alone. If something would happen to me, go to the island."
"Island? What island?! Hey wait! Sakura!!!"
The more I think about it, it's true. They both don't care for me at all. Well, it feels like they don't. Ever since I was born I was sent to the human world in the other worlds. The people who raised me the most was my human parents. I wasn't allowed to go to the anime world until my ceremony!! Ugh! Why does everyone think my life is a piece of cake!!! When school starts I better fight that water demon.
"Hey Sakura!! Miss me?!" I looked up and saw Hakura.
"Not now. Just not now." I whispered to myself.
" I brung your sword and I bought your school supplies."
"Um thanks, I guess. But why my sword? And don't you know that this is the human world?
"Of course I know silly. Now come on. Let's go to the island of the sekirei's."
"Go? When you mean 'go' you mean me flying you to the island with my wings..."
"Yup. Oh please let me see your wings again. and s-say the incantation too."
"Ugh, fine." Me and Hakura-sama ran to the beach. The island that she was talking about is the secret island of the sekireis or in my case an island full of 108 phoenix humans.
"Ooo, is it incantation time?!"
"You really want me to say it do you?"
"Fine. By my power of wings, may I fly above my ashikabi to protect him from above!" Just in a second my red wings started appearing before me.
"Ooo. Pretty. Can I touch?"
"Sorry. You can't. You left my supplies at home right?"
"Yup. Sure did!"
"Hakura, you seem to peppy today."
"Come on let's go get Erika, Hikaru, and your parents!"
"What! No not my parents. If they worry how will I ever fight?"
"Fine. Let's go pick up Erika and Hikaru then. You need your friends and your ashikabi if you want to go to the island."
"Kay. Let's fly!" I flew Hakura and I realized how heavy she is. Struggling, "What did you eat? Your heavy."
"Shut up! Less talky more flying. (Gasps) Hey look! There they are."
"Going to land now."
"Weeeeee!" Yelled Hakura.
'You didn't need to scream.' I thought. "Hey guys!"
"Sakura. What are you doing here?" Asked Erika.
"That's what I like to know. Hakura brung my sword and told me to pick you guys up."
"Okay fine!" She shouted. "I already know about the deal you made with that water demon. If you think about it, how does she know you are a sekirei? I did some research while I was at the blue mermaid kingdom. I took a long time to stay there because you told me about an island Erika, and as my research shows that the water demon is actually a sekirei."
"Does she have an ashikabi?" Asked Hikaru.
"Yes. She does. Sekirei #02 Leona, also known as a the red sekirei." Answered Hakura.
"She is the sword type isn't she?" I interrupted.
"Sadly yes. You need to defeat her. Not to mention you are sekirei..."
"Sekirei #04. The black sekirei and 4th generation leader of the disciplinary squad. Yes I already know."
"Yes. You are all those things but I have to tell you something very important. You are part mermaid princess so you can use the power of your voice but as a powerful sekirei, you rely on your sword. And how did you know about you being a sekirei and stuff?"
"Hehe. The power of my ashikabi's kiss made me relize who I am."
All of a sudden we heard a person shout, "Hey look! A person with wings!! Hey mom, mommy look I'm not crazy this time."
"Uh oh. Come on. Let's go." I said immediately. I grabbed Erika, Hikaru, and Hakura's hand and took off.

The Melody of Love and Suffering  
愛と苦悩の旋律 Book 2- SekireiWhere stories live. Discover now