Promise Kept

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One month ago was a tragic event.
It all happened on my birthday too. You see on my 14th birthday was a special day, cause well... it was my come-to-age ceremony. It's when a mermaid princess becomes an adult. Or where you live a coronation for an upcoming queen but without the queen.
So anyway, ever since my ceremony the new water demon leader wanted revenge on the mermaid princesses and Aqua Regina, the sea goddess, for sealing the water demons in the deepest part of the sea where no light shows, and for the Gaito incident. Many water demons have escaped but Mermaid Princesses sing to defeat them. I have made many promises to my people and my pearl, but this promise is hard to keep.
The promise I made after I saved Hikaru is that after the war I would choose who to be with. I don't know when the war will end and I don't know who to choose. Oh and just a little recap. I have to choose who to be with, as in like... love. I either have to choose Mikeru, an ancient angel like person who lived 1000s of years ago, and or Hikaru.
Well, let's ignore the lovey-dubby stuff. Right now I'm in the pink mermaid kingdom with no one. Everyone is fighting in the war or they evacuated far away. As I said I'm all alone or in Japanese "hitori". Ever since that first attack I wasn't allowed to go anywhere I'm not even allowed to step one fin outside the palace.
"It's too dangerous..." They said,
"You might get hurt again with your reckless body..." They said.
I don't care what people think I just want to be free!!!

I apologize for making no sense. My English is pretty bad you know. This is like diary entries, but for public.

The Melody of Love and Suffering  
愛と苦悩の旋律 Book 2- SekireiWhere stories live. Discover now