Night of Victory

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Solstice POV:

I couldn't shake the instinctual feeling of bliss every time I glanced at the orange orb in my clutch. I returned to Kuriza and showed him the lovely Three Star I acquired from a traumatic voyage underwater. He smiled widely as he added it to the other three stored in a secretive spot by some brush that we took turns guarding. The earlier trauma was worth seeing his face light up in pleasure. 

"That's four out of, how many?" He chattered, racking his brain to remember the amount. "It doesn't matter now. As long as everything falls into place, our journey will be completed in good time."

"I can't believe it only took us five years to find this many."

"And soon, we can take over my father's galactic trade." He spoke, resting one of his hands under my chin, the other behind his back. "We will run it the right way. Not the cocky and overconfident tyrannical kind of way like my uncle and grandfather."

"But Kuriza! Are you sure you want that pressure of ruling the known galaxy?"

"Compared to what we've been through already, I'm sure it'll be a breeze-"

"Long time no see! How are you two doing now?" A high pitched and all too friendly voice greeted.

"Speak of the devil." I mumbled to my companion as a bright blue skinned Majin and a silver skinned Namekian hopped down from the branches of tropical trees above us, scattering leaves that drifted downward.

"Lord Kuriza. Lady Solstice." Ocarina bowed politely to both of us.

"Hello Ocarina. Hi Breezy." I maundered, slightly sore about the duo's interference of the moment where Kuriza would have praised me for my effort.

"What's happened to you two?" Kuriza asked casually. I'm surprised he didn't notice their hands were behind their backs yet.

"After we completely obliterated Leader Blow.." I snickered immaturely at his name. "we survived in the vast wilderness until we came across these. They made us think of you." The duo simultaneously revealed two Dragon Balls. My eyes glittered at the sight.

"Where did you find these?!" Kuriza gaped as he accepted the spheres.

"One was in a temple..." Breezy started. Kuriza gave me an 'I told you so' face. "The other was hidden in a high up tree."

"So how many does that make?" I questioned, counting them all with a finger.

"Six." Kuriza answered by my side. My tail twitched with sheer joy. Then something smooth and cool wrapped lightly around it in a playful manner. I could feel myself heat up in embarrassment. I peeked to my side and Kuriza was doing the same. He turned his head to me.

"We should...celebrate.. such a milestone. What say you?"

"A party!? I'm in!" Breezy burst in, spoiling the moment even more for me. Kuriza shared my inward disappointment.

"Breezy, I think they wish to celebrate with just each other." Ocarina vouched for us.

"Don't be silly! The more, the merrier! They'd love it if we all partied hard together." Breezy exploded on Ocarina. Kuriza and I merely rolled out eyes.

Once night rolled in, the festivity commenced. Kuriza masterfully poured each of us a drink from his makeshift wine. When he finished, he sat between Ocarina and I.

"You never did answer my question earlier." Breezy pointed out.

"What was it?"

"How are you two doing? You seem to be a lot closer than when we first saw you, like, five years ago."

"What do you mean by that?" Kuriza squinted suspiciously.

"Just that before it was like a maternal bond. But now it seems like you two are.." She stopped to pick her words. Kuriza was the type you had to speak carefully to, after all. Even I learned that, the hard way.

"Are what?" He sipped at his glass. I could feel his patience waning from him.

"Well, you know." Kuriza abruptly shot up to his feet and wrapped his tail around Breezy's neck, lifting her.

"Spit it out while you still can." Ocarina and I were too surprised to react. What was bothering him so much for such an outburst?

"....In love! You two are in love!" Breezy rasped. Kuriza dropped her and she caught her breath in gulps. Kuriza went wide eyed and his irises were barely visible. A dark blush dusted his cheeks. He looked quite insulted.

"Solstice, I-" I rose to my feet and confronted him.

"It's okay. Let's just push this behind us and continue the party. After all, we have six Dragon Balls. And we did eliminate a ship full of villains as kids."

'What was wrong with Kuriza?' I thought to myself while masking my bewilderment. 'He didn't act this way before.'

"Does anyone else feel eyes on them?" Ocarina asked out of the blue.

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