The Start of Something New

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"This is pointless, Frieza! You deal with him this time!"

"I've got something that'll rouse him for sure. Ahem! Dodoria in the shower."


"AAAAAAHH!" I screamed as my red eyes flung open. I flailed in Zarbon's grip, causing him to hold me far from him to avoid my attacks.

"Good going, Zarbon! You frightened the boy and now we're all paying for it!" Frieza complained from the sidelines.

"That worked, but stop him from screaming before I go deaf!" Cooler yelled while covering his ear holes.

"Let me handle this! He's my son." Frieza stepped closer to me and Zarbon, Dodoria and Cooler backed up fast. "Now Kuriza. I'll explain this quickly. There's a new planet, dominated by those dirty monkeys that killed me; the Saiyans. There are artifacts called Dragon Balls, which are orange and usually covered in stars, on their planet. Gather all seven of them and a dragon will awaken and grant your wish. You're lucky if he grants more than one. You know what to wish for, right?"

"Chestnut ice cream?"

"No, you little- you wish for the revival of myself, the Ginyu Force, Zarbon, Dodoria, King Cold, Chilled, Cell-"

"Who is Cell?"

"The green guy over there." He pointed to the insect-like stranger standing and staring off in the distance. He was giving off an unnatural vibe, like he was a machine. "And Cooler is optional."

"That's it! I've had enough of your disrespect, little runt!" Cooler tackled Frieza out of nowhere but Frieza teleported behind him.

"Come at me, brother." Frieza scoffed.

I looked away from their spat, feeling like I was being hunted by a strong predatory force. Something stalking in the shadows of the pit tried to spring at me with maw wide open and fangs bared, but I woke up before it could reach me.

"Phew. Another dream. Huh?" I jolted awake to find Solstice's tail wrapped protectively around me, coiled over most of my form. Her back was facing me.

"Are you alright, Kuriza?" She asked from the other side, sleepily yet concerned.

"I'm fine. Just another dream." I replied, cupping my hand over an oncoming yawn after. She shuffled and sat up then cradled me as if I were an infant. Something told me she has experience doing this.

"You go back to sleep. I'll keep watch over you."

"But-" I began to disagree until she shushed me.

"I'll handle this." I attempted to fight my heavy eyelids but the urge to sleep overpowered me.

The morning sun rose and shined through the opening of my cave. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and stretched. Solstice smiled down sweetly at me and let me stand up.

"Good morning, my little overlord." She greeted rather happily. I reddened at the name she gave me. "Any more dreams?"


"What's on today's agenda?"

"Hmm. I'm not sure." I brainstormed  what we could get accomplished today. Then I saw a group of Frost Demons carrying large amounts of metallic bits, probably those of a downed ship or pod, towards the direction of a warehouse. "That's it!" I snapped my fingers, making Solstice flinch a bit. "We could sneak onto one of the ships and go on a little excursion! What do you say?"

"I say why not! Let's go! But wait. Aren't the ships heavily guarded by guards with lasers and the ability to crush people? It seems kind of dangerous." She grimaced.

"We could easily slip past the four or five guards and take a ship. After all, adventures are always full of peril. Follow me!" I zoomed off toward the structure that housed most our aircrafts. "Here we are. How skilled are you at stealth?" I whispered as we stood at the entrance of the place. Solstice crawled behind me.

"On a scale of pirate to ninja, I'd say ninja."

"Splendid! Alright. Here's the plan. I'll shoot a ki blast toward the back wall. When the guards investigate, you fly in and stun them. Then we flee like Hell to one of the ships, pray it's open, mash the buttons and leave. Clear?"

"Uh huh." Her eyes narrowed unsurely at my scheme. I ignored it.

"Wish me luck." I poked my head from around a corner after soundlessly floating inside. The place was very dark but easy to maneuver through. I must've alerted an unseen guard by accident and he brought friends. I was blocked completely and lifted up by my tail. "Unhand me, swine!" I squirmed, desperately trying to break free before my tail gives out.

"Well if it isn't one of the space lizards!" A blue skinned guard with lime colored hair snickered, still clutching my appendage. "And his power level is pretty high for a runt!"

"What should we do with him?"

"Could I make a suggestion?" I ventured shakily.

"No!" They all answered in unison.

"I say you let Lord Kuriza go before things turn uglier." A peculiar but livid voice threatened and made all the guards turn to its owner.

"Lord K-Kuriza?!" One stammered.

"The son of Frieza? And by extension the grandson of the king?!"

"Oh yeah. You don't want to waste your lives on a petty mistake, do you?" The voice bluffed. By now most of the guards ran away. The one that held me was still there, standing his ground.

"And what will you do if I don't let him go?" He foolishly dared. In the blink of an eye, he was pinned to a wall by...Solstice!

"I'll let you off with a warning this time. But if you ever put your grubby hands on my Lord again, I'll show no mercy. And that pretty little scouter you're wearing, what's it say about MY power level?" The guard was too scared to speak, barely forming coherent words. Solstice swiped the scouter off his face with her tail and crushed it. She released her grip and he too ran out screaming. She turned to me with her expression softening. "Kuriza! Are you okay? None of them hurt you? If they did, I'll-" She inspected every inch of me to make sure.

"I'm alright, thanks. What was that just now?" I asked stupefied, crossing my arms over my chest.


"That anger?"

"Oh it's just some pent up rage I stored. I don't like using it though. I'm sorry you had to see that."

"Sorry?! It was fascinating! That could really save us when our backs are against the wall!"

"Can we focus on the mission? Which ship do you think these go to?" She dangled a pair of keys in the air. The jingle they made bounced off the walls in an echo.

"How did you-"

"That is my secret." She sneered smugly.

After searching for the right ship, we finally found it.

"I call shotgun!" I started to fly to the front where the control room is but I got pulled back.

"Oh no you don't! You're too young to drive a spaceship. As your guardian, I refuse to let you drive yet."

"Aw man!" I pouted, landing on the steel-enforced flooring and walking with my head and tail low.

"But you can sit in the passenger seat. I might even let you use the horn. Come on!" We raced to the control room and sat down. "Are you ready for the start of something truly awesome?"


"Alright. Seat belts on!"

"But those are for-"

"I said put your seat belt on." She glared and I did so reluctantly. "Power on. Here we go!" The ship roared to life and burst out the concrete ceiling of the building. I looked out of the side window, watching as home shrank smaller and smaller.

This was the beginning of the end of something. If only I knew what.

Raising up a Frost Demon Legacy (A DBZ Kuriza story)Where stories live. Discover now