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"I should probably go and sort my room out my room," you said beginning to leave the room.
"(Your alias)," L said.
"Yes, Ryuzaki," you said turning around.
"We are going need to burn the notes you have made so far. The last thing I want to happen is Kira find out about this and kill you," he said holding your notes by the corner of the pages.
"Awww," Misa said, "you're so cute together!"
Both you and L turn your heads and glare at Misa.
"You guys even do that together. CUTE!!!" Misa exclaimed.
You felt yourself blush slightly.
"Light, could you take Misa away please," L said.
"Nice meeting you," Light said to you as he grabbed onto Misa's arm and attempted to pull her away. She dug her heels and refused to move.
"I'm not moving until you two kiss," she said crossing her arms. Light just looked awkward and slightly embarrassed.
"What?!" You exclaimed, "I've only just met Ryuzaki! It would be insane!" You turned round to see L looking slightly hurt by your last comment.
"You two are virtually married already it wouldn't be awkward in the slightest. And the best thing is..." She said smirking at you, "I'm going to chain you two together until you do."

Before you or L had a chance to move, she had picked up the handcuffs L had used to handcuff him to Light and locked it round your left wrist and then L's right. She then attached the key to her dress.
"Misa don't you think this is going too far?" Light asked.
"No course I don't Lighty," she said smiling at you.

You pulled back hard on the chain causing you to fall over. L then ,pulled by the chain, flew towards you and landed on you. Way to make this more awkward then it already was. Well done (y/n). You thought to yourself. L's eyes had flown wide when he landed on you and at the moment was struggling to get off of you due to the chain.
"All you have to do is kiss," Misa taunted.
"MISA!!!" You yelled. L was now sitting next to you looking bewildered having just got off of you.
"You'll have to stay chained together then," she jeered.
L had got up and pulled hard on his side of the chain. It was your turn to fly through the air and ,unfortunately, land on him.
"Jesus Christ. I can't wait to get my hands on you after this Misa Amane," you hissed under your breath.
"Violence never solved anything," L said matter of factly, "in fact you tend to end up worse off." You had put your hands either side of L's head and to put your weight on to stop yourself from squashing L. (Kind of like a push up.)
"Whatever you say, L," you said ," it's just currently I'm 95% sure I'm slightly annoyed with her." Misa shrieked. You and L turned your heads.
"You did the percentage thing that Ryuzaki does. How cute!!!" Misa said actually jumping up and down with glee.
You attempted to roll off L onto the floor next to him. Which kind of worked however he was now on top of you where the chain had pulled his wrist round. He then struggled off of you and stood up pulling you up with him.
"Kiss already!" Misa said impatiently, "you'll end up better off." With this she jingled the key in the air.
"No can do I'm afraid," she said reattaching the key to her dress.
"I told you violence solves nothing," L said in his unemotional voice.

You had lost your temper by that point and punched L in the face hard. Your fist colliding with his pale skin. He looked at you slight surprised. Swivelled on his right foot and kicked you in the face. The impact sent you flying across the room and you landed with a thump on your back. The chain had pulled L with you and he landed on you yet again
"Like I told you violence solves nothing." With that he pinned your arms above your head and crashed his lips into yours. You heard Misa screech somewhere in the distance. You kissed back at L which surprised him but he didn't stop.

Suddenly a rush of people came into the monitor room. Misa's shrieking must have alerted them. They probably thought someone had been murdered.
"Ryuzaki is everything al...." The person trailed off.
L rolled off you breathless and you both looked up to see a bunch of men staring at you.
"(Your alias)," L said.
"This is the Japanese Task Force."

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