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Well, here is the epilogue. This book has been incredible to write, and it was all because of you that the first one was a success. Thank you guys so much, and I love you all!

I leaned against the doorframe, smiling softly as I watched Ross tuck in an already asleep Olivia. He kissed her forehead gently before turning off the lamp beside her bed, murmuring a 'goodnight.' He turned, jumping in shock as his eyes settled on me. I bit back a laugh and stepped back, allowing him to exit the room and close the door behind him. 

"Thanks for the heart attack." He gently slapped me upside the head and pecked my lips. "You're lucky I didn't scream."

"Because you didn't want our kids knowing you have a girly scream?" I questioned, giggling. 

He pouted childishly. "Hey, Mason has the same scream as me." 

"He's four."

"I don't see your point." 

Playfully rolling my eyes, I made my way to my son's room, Ross trailing right behind me. Mason was jumping on his bed, his blonde hair rising and falling as he did so. 

"Why aren't you in bed, mister?" I stepped into his room, my hands on my hips. 

Mason immediately stopped jumped, flashing me a cheeky smile. "I'm sorry, mommy."

"She has her hands on her hips, Mase. You know she means business." Ross jumped onto his bed, grabbing his small body and throwing him up in the air, causing him to giggle. 

I couldn't help but laugh, watching my son giggle and Ross laugh. Mason was almost an exact copy of Ross, from his hair to his eyes to his laugh. They even had the same appetite, meaning I now had to little piggies in the house. 

But they were my little piggies. 

"Okay, bud, time for bed." Ross clapped his hands together, setting Mason down. He pouted, but did as told, getting under the covers. "Night, Mase." He kissed his forehead, making sure he was tucked under the covers real well. 

"Night, daddy." Mason let out a little yawn, and I knew he would crash any minute. 

I walked over and bent down, kissing his forehead as well. "Night, baby."

His eyes started drooping, and he let out a soft, "Night, mommy." I brushed some of his hair out of his face before following Ross out of his bedroom.

As we descended down the stairs, I stopped in my tracks as I caught sight of the dining room. Two candles were placed in the center of the table, a vase filled with beautiful roses beside them. I felt Ross grab my hand, pulling me out of my shock. He guided me to the table, where he quickly reached into the oven and pulled out two plates filled with lasagna. 

"What is all this?" I questioned, watching as he placed the plate down in front of me. He sat down across from me, lowering his own plate. 

"I wanted to do something special for you." He shrugged, sipping on the water beside him. "We've been so busy with the kids that we haven't really gotten a break. And with both of us working, we don't get a lot of time alone anymore. I just wanted to spend an evening with my wife alone." 

Butterflies erupted in my stomach, and I leaned over the table to kiss him, a silent way of thanking him for tonight. 

He never ceased to amaze me. 


"Daddy, no, please!" Olivia's pleas and giggles filled the air, and they didn't stop as Ross continued to "drop" her in the water. He finally set her down, laughing as she started to splash him. 

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