Chapter 2: Adara

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I wanna let everyone know this is right before the season 4 finale.


As i was walking down the street i saw a woman with long brown hair. She looked a lot like an old friend of mine. "Excuse me?" I asked. She stopped and looked at me "Yeah?" She asked. "What's your name? You look very familiar." I asked. "Lily Page." She stated frowning "I don't think iv'e ever met you before." She said. I shrugged "Guess not." i said. She smiled and walked away. I yanked out my phone and dialed my friends number "Adara?" I asked when she answered. "Come to Storybrooke Maine, I think I just met you mom." I said.

I sat at granny's tapping my fingers on the counter. Finally my best friend made her way into the diner looking around. (pic in media) "Dare!" I ran over and threw my arms around her. "Oh my gosh, Cory, you made running away look easy. Hardest thing I have ever done!" Adar commented when we pulled apart from the hug. "So what was this about finding my mom?" She asked. "Did you steal your birth certificate?" I asked she took it out of her messenger bag and handed it to me. Just as i suspected it said Lily Page under mother. "Looks like us meeting was destiny." I stated shaking my head. "Adara was the only person i told about my mom and dad. She believed me. She was a lot younger than me but now were the same age. "So which fairy tale character is my mom?" She asked. "That's what he's for." I smiled as Henry walked in. "Is this Adara?" Henry asked. I nodded. "Adara, Henry. Henry, Adara." I introduced them. "Hey." They greeted. We slid into a booth and Henry puled out his book. "So who's daughter is she?" He asked. "Lily Page." I said. He opened the book. "Lily is Maleficent's daughter." He slid the book over and we saw that it was Maleficent and Lily's story. Snow White and Prince Charming put their daughter, Emma's, potential for darkness into Lily and sent her here. "Wow, that's uh, not cool." I said carefully. After all, Snow White and Prince Charming are his grandparents. "Yeah..." He trailed off. "Isn't prince Charming supposed to be Cinderella's prince?" Adara asked. "Yeah, but Captain Hook is also supposed to be a bad guy so..." I trailed off. "So if my mom apparently has all of this darkness inside of her do i have any?" Adara asked. "Maybe a little but i doubt it." Henry said. She nodded. "Good." She sighed. "Who's your dad?" Henry asked. She took her birth certificate back out "Neal Cassidy." She said. "Wait what?" Let me see that." Henry ordered. She gave him the birth certificate. He looked at it "Neal Cassidy, Rumpelstiltskin's son, Emma Swan's ex boyfriend, my dad." Henry said. "So, your my half brother?!" She asked. Henry nodded. "She's what?" Emma asked sliding in next to Henry. "This Adara. She's apparently my half sister." Henry explained. "What? How?" Emma asked. Henry handed her the birth certificate. Emma's eyes widened "Your Lilly's daughter to! We have a lot of daughters showing up in town lately." She shook her head. "Two." I said. "Yeah, in a row." She said. I laughed, "I'm gonna call Lily." She said. "I thought she was in revenge mode." Henry said. "Her mother talked her out of it. She's gonna teach her how to dragon up." Emma explained. "Oh," Henry said. "Yeah," Emma stood up getting out her phone and walked away. After a few minutes of sitting in silence she came back. "She's on her way." Emma sighed.

The woman from earlier came in the diner and spotted us. She slowly walked over. "You're Adara?" She asked quietly. Adara nodded. "I, uh, I, never thought, i'd, uh, meet you. They took you away from me because they thought i wasn't meant to be a mother. That's when i cleaned up my act as best as possible under my circumstances, which i'm assuming you've heard." She explained. Adara nodded and i slid out of the booth so she could get out. She hugged Lily. Lily tensed but relaxed and wrapped her arms around her. Henry and I glanced at each other. He said out of his side of the booth and I walked over to him and we walked out of the diner.
"Two people in a row. That's never happened before." Henry comments. I laugh "Cory Jones, been getting families back together since this morning!" I joke. Henry laughed at me. "So what do ya wanna do?" I asked. "I kind of want to see one of those YouTube videos you were telling me about." Henry said. "I don't know..." I trialed off. "What the bloody hell is YouTube?" Hook asked coming up beside me. I couldn't help but laugh "A website teenagers use to watch pointless yet hilarious videos and listen to music because they can't afford to buy it." I said. "Cory has a band that post videos on it. She's gonna show us." Henry said. "Ha!" I fake laugh "You know, Henry, you are a very funny boy." I said. "Come on please." Henry begged. "I would quite like to see you sing." Hook said. "No one talks like that." I tease trying to change the subject. He just rolled his eyes. "If you don't show us then we're just going to look it up anyways. If you show us you get to at least pic what we watch." Henry reasoned. I sighed "Fine." I huffed like a two year old. "Come on my lap tops on the Jolly Roger." I stated turning and going down to the docks.
We were all in my room and i pulled my laptop onto my lap. I logged into YouTube and pulled up my acoustic video for I H8 that. (vid in media) I passed it to Henry so he could hold it and I stood up. "Where are you going?" Henry asked before playing it. "Anywhere but here." I said. "Sit down." Hook ordered. Not in a rude way, but still. "No way!" I insisted. "Come in Cory come sit." Henry said. Ugh I couldn't say no to him. I sighed and walked back over "I hate both of you." i teased. They just laughed and Henry hit play.
"That was really good!" Henry commented when it was over. "You have a great voice, Lia" Hook said using the last part of my name. I cringed at that name. "Please, don't call me that." I asked. He frowned in confusion "Why?" he asked. "Somebody else used to call me that." I left before he could ask anymore questions. I was doing it again. I always do this. Screw things up with my past. I can't just put it all behind me.
"Lia, love, can you grab my phone while your over there?" Kyle asked. "Lia?" I asked walking over to the love seat and handing him his phone before sitting down and snuggling up into him. "Yeah I figured I needed a nickname for you no one else uses. Like how you call me Ky." He said. "Lia..." I said seeing how it felt on my tongue. "I like it, Ky." I smiled. We kissed and all was well.
I took in a deep breath at the sudden memory. That was one of the few good memories I had had with my ex boyfriend. From there it just went down hill. With him and every other person in my life. He's where the bad memories start.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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