Chapter 2- "Through The Months"

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Stile's P.O.V

Scott and I had gotten a lot closer. It's been already 4 months since a met him. Time flies by so quickly, doesn't it? Especially when you're mind is distracted. Scott and I have been inseparable since we met. He's always with me, no matter what I'm doing. He was honestly, my best-friend. My only friend. My first friend. And I'm not even exaggerating, Scott is all I have besides my dad. Scott had learned about me and my conditions over the months. Not all of them, but most. Those including, my insomnia, my anxiety, my depression, and my ADHD.

He also knew about most of the medication I took. And according to him, I was addicted. He told me that I was relying to much on the pills, that's why I was the way I was. It was hurtful to hear him say that, but I was glad he honest with me. And he didn't pity me like I thought he would. He smiled at me softly and said he was sorry for all those things, but that I shouldn't let that control my life. I was confused at that. I honestly didn't know what he meant. I remember he shook his head and laughed, causing me to get even more curious. I had basically spent the whole day trying to figure out what he meant. Obviously I never got an answer, but oh well, what can I do?

 The best thing about these months, was how much Scott helped me. My stuttering was slowly going away, I was becoming more open with people, and heck, I had developed a sarcastic attitude. But the thing that I most thanked Scott for was how he helped me with my insomnia. I smiled slightly, remembering that day. Scott's mom, Melissa, had to work late so I offered him if he wanted to stay with me. He ended up staying the night. When I was laying out his bed, he had seen my my sleeping pills.

Scott tugged at my hand and I looked at him "What is it?". He showed me my sleeping pills "'You can't sleep?". I nodded and sighed sadly "Yeah, i-insomnia". He stayed silent and I finished making his bed. I turned around and he grabbed me. He threw me onto the bed and lay down next to me. He hugged my back and my heartbeat sped up "What a-are you d-doing?". He smirked and pulled me closer to his chest "Helping you sleep". I tensed and he yawned, resting his head on my shoulder "Good night Stiles".

Soon, Scott's breathing was even, signaling he was asleep. I sighed and closed my eyes. Scott tightened his strong hold against me, making me shudder.  He wrapped his arm securely over my stomach and I slightly opened my eyes. He was warm. I liked his warmth. I curled up into him and closed my eyes again. I could get used to this...

I smiled at the memory. Scott really had helped me a lot.  Actually, we had stayed over at each other's a lot recently. I actually couldn't sleep well unless Scott was with me, that's the only bad thing about the days he's not over at mine's or me at his. I let out a small sigh and turned my attention to Scott who sat on my desk chair, currently asleep. I curled up in my bed, playing with the sleeve of my red hoodie. I tugged it a bit and I heard a knock on the door "Stiles," my dad's voice resonated through the room "can I come in?". I nodded "Come in". He opened the door and peaked in "Sorry if I'm disturbing you, but I came up to say I got called in for work today, I'll be back around tomorrow morning, maybe at 5. I'm sorry, it was an emergency, I know I promised to stay-" I cut him off before he could go on "Dad, it's a-alright. Don't apologize, I u-understand". He nodded and sighed "I'm sorry, I'll try to be back as soon as I can". I shook my head "T-take your time, d-don't rush y-yourself".

He nodded "I'm off, bye Stiles. There's food in the fridge if you boys gets hungry". He left with that and closed the door behind him. I yawned and stretched. I sat up and looked over at my nightstand. I looked down at my hand to see it shaking. I forgot to take my medicine, again. I sighed and stood up. I went over to my nightstand. I opened the drawer and moved some shirts when I found my key. I grabbed it and put the shirts back. I gazed at the shiny metal key in my hand and I gripped it. I walked over to my bathroom and entered. I stood in front of the mirror and looked at the cabinets. I looked at the little lock on the cabinet and I opened it with the key. I set the key down and opened the cabinet to see all of my medicine.

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