A rude awakening

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Jamie's P.O.V
I woke up in my bed with my silly looking braid with all my hair on the top sticking out (I'm actually wearing it right now LOL.) I was still kind of asleep until someone knocked on the door it scared me and I woke up screaming and fell out of my bed no one was going to get the door so I had to get up and get it I was so annoyed and I was about to yell WHAT DO YOU WANT?!?!?! To whoever was there until I saw that it was Maya. "Hey I'm sorry did I wake you up?" She said in a tired voice "Yeah but it's ok." We both stared at each other for a minute because we were so tired, Maya was even still wearing her bunny pajama pants while I was wearing a T-shirt with my superman shorts "Hey can I come in for a minute? I need to talk to you." I nodded and let her sneak upstairs with me while my mom was sleeping on the couch with cheese puffs in her hand. Right as soon we walked in my room she went from tired sleepyhead to crazy psycho head and she started to tell me this idea she had and probably even I was to chicken to do.

Maya's P.O.V
OMG this is like the first time Jamie had a crush and I am soooooo not going to let her pass it by so what I am going to do is set them up hey she always does for me so why not pay back the favor. 😏

Me and my bestie's crazy lifeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin