Meeting my own Jacob?!

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Jamie's P.O.V
What the heck?! ever since I met that boy my mind has been driving me crazy my throat gets a HUGE lump in it and- wait a minute..... DO I HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM?!?!? OMG OMG OMGGGGGG!!!! I actually do wait... I don't even know his name.

Owen's P.O.V
I seriously don't get why I'm so nervous around that girl I mean every time I see her I feel like my brain was having a meltdown I mean that's totally normal right? I mean sure I thought her face was beautiful and was practically hypnotized by her long red hair but- wait a minute...... I have a crush on her... Whoa, I have a crush on her and I don't even know her name.

No one's P.O.V
The next day at school Jamie walked in on one side of the hall and Owen walked in the other and met up in the middle "Um hey I didn't catch your name." Owen said "it's Jamie what's yours?" Jamie asked "Owen." He answered with a huge smile "Hey um do you happen to know where.... Mrs. Ganelli's room is?" "Yeah she is my homeroom teacher c'mon I'll show you." As they walked down that school hall EVERYONE was staring with their jaw dropped open seeing sparks fly between that blonde and that red head.

A/N: From this chapter on there will be P.O.Vs oh and I'll leave you guys with this thought... Do you think Owen is real or not ( btw I'm Jamie in the story.)

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