The next day at school

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The next day at school me and Maya walked into the building of boredom A.K.A high school we both walked down the hall to our lockers (we are two lockers away from each other.) "Hey Maya do you know what we are having for lunch today?... Maya... Maya...MAYA!!!" I then noticed she was staring at Jacob C. Jacob had long brown hair down to his shoulders and plays football (like me.) "AHHH WHAT?!" Maya said. "What are we.... Wait a minute you were staring at Jacob weren't you?" Maya was blushing (she blushes a lot.) "Omg Maya why don't you go talk to him it's not that hard he is just a boy." I said. " Jamie you are so much more brave than I am you don't understand. I had a perplexed look on my face. "Maya I am your best friend I understand everything." Maya just looked down "You are right." I just smirked at her and pushed her towards Jacob she bumped into him and they looked up at each other like I look at donuts (Krispy Kreme.)

"Hey Maya you ok?" She was blushing like crazy I couldn't stop smiling. "I am now...... I mean, yeah I'm fine totally." Jacob just smirked at her "Well I gotta go to class I'll see you later Maya." Jacob said flipping his long brown hair out of his face Maya just blushed (AGAIN) and then we both realized we were late for class and we ran for our lives Maya I tripped and fell sometimes they call me "Clumsy Jamie" it isn't even clever. When we got to class we ran to our desks we made it just in time. Mr. Vanderpool gave us a lecture on the Krebs cycle and we all had to take notes it was the most boring thing EVER I would seriously consider sitting around and doing nothing that would be GOLD to me right now.

Me and my bestie's crazy lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon